Hi ewilan,
I was wondering the same thing. Have you found out anything about Opera and Icloud sync" Thanks weets
Unfortunately no. Though, you could create an automator script to import the bookmarks manually from safari. It's not the same as synchronisation, but it does the job. (:
I was able to manually re-download all the extensions and the settings were automatically restored. However, it seems strange that Opera will not remember any web pages I've visited after a while. (I'm not using the private mode.)
Then it crashed again and I restarted Opera, everything was gone again. This time I was able to see the error message at launching, it says Opera is "unable to read user profile. Check to see if you have the privilege." I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with BitDefender for Mac.
This is because YouTube mainly serves VP9/webm videos to Opera (Google's own format, preferred by them). Safari doesn't support this format, so it gets H264 videos (which generally can be decoded with hardware acceleration, unlike VP9).
There's a Chrome extension called h264ify that changes YouTube to serve H264. You need to install this first in Opera:
Hi avi,
nothing special.
I've a standard config on both macbook: standard french keyboard OSX
In Opera and Opera developper, I tried to activate/deactivate all the shortcuts settings), nothing else
I had a similar issue as above, however it was on my website http://www.laneatlantalimo.net. Safari and Chrome had no issues however opera seems to be doing this on the odd occasion. Could it be the website platform I am using?