@vkull You can disagree all you like but that doesn’t change the fact that flash is an outmoded technology. At least you are aware of the security risks using it entails. Find other games. It’s over, my friend.
Posts made by kerygma
RE: [Request] Bringing back flashplayerOpera GX
RE: Opera Not Work On Window 7Opera for computers
@passenger-chi It isn't worth anything in terms of the OP issue. He needs to define what "isn't working" means before a resolution can be found. Simply saying that you don't have a problem means nothing.
- Suggestions and feature requests
RE: Revisiting Personal BlogsFeedback for the Forums
@mrasaad Yes, I know this. But that was not my point. Were Opera to provide this we would remain here at Opera. Isn't that the whole point... to keep your users here? You can sell to them here. You can build brand loyalty here. You can develop a sense of community here. Why did the original Opera company provide this? Why does Vivaldi continue to offer it? Even after Opera dropped its Presto engine and went over to the dark side, so to speak, it continued to offer the user blogs and in so doing many remained. But once it indicated that this feature would be dropped, most of the bloggers who remained downloaded the information they still had and departed for Vivaldi and for other browsers. There was now a crack in the brand loyalty which went as far as many of Opera's developers who did not leave with the first wave but remained. I know I'm beating a dead horse now so we can probably just drop the conversation and kill the thread.
RE: Relentlessly shoving Facebook Messenger in my faceOpera for Windows
@treego Ah! I knew treego would enter the fray. Thanks for having the solution. Hopefully dunjineer is still around.
RE: Relentlessly shoving Facebook Messenger in my faceOpera for Windows
@dunjineer It's very unfortunate that you have left before others could possibly help you find a way to resolve this. I entirely agree with you regarding Facebook which is a blight on our civilization. Both my wife and I removed our accounts a few years back and we're so glad we did. None of my immediate family retains a FB account at this point so the fact that Opera is now trying to foist it on you is ridiculous. I don't know whether you are still around but hopefully Leo or someone else (Burnout? treego? Blackbird?) will be able to find a solution. And please, don't go to Firefox. Try Vivaldi if you're determined to leave Opera.
RE: The topic for things that were answered/discussed lots of times alreadyOpera for computers
@leocg Thanks. Well, that's very unfortunate. I guess I'll bookmark Ecosia and use it just as I would a popular bookmark. I don't understand why pre-defined engines should be limited but I guess it is what it is. Thanks for the information, Leo.
RE: The topic for things that were answered/discussed lots of times alreadyOpera for computers
How do I make Ecosia my default search engine? I've tried adding it under Manage Search engines but it does not seem to want to move up to the suggested engines.
RE: Auto hide left sidebarSuggestions and feature requests
@giacomorutili I'm not sure if this is what you mean but this is what I've done. Go into the settings and then go to Advanced, Shortcuts and Configure shortcuts. Scroll down to Sidebar and make your own shortcut. I made mine s. Now when I click on s the sidebar toggles on or off.
RE: How do I request for an Opera account deletion if I am locked out?Opera account
@jerasquin I can't see how this can be done. Since you cannot prove that you are the person in the old account (i.e. having no codes, as you put it and having lost the authenticator app), there doesn't appear to be a way to legitimately delete the account. I say this because I'm essentially in the same situation having a former account that is impossible for me to access for similar reasons to your own. So, I simply created a new account and left the former behind. I don't see it as a problem.
RE: Toggle switch for sidebarOpera for Windows
@kerygma Okay, I've found it. You go into the settings and then go to Advanced, Shortcuts and Configure shortcuts. Scroll down to Sidebar and make your own shortcut. I made mine s. Now when I click on s the sidebar toggles on or off.
RE: Toggle switch for sidebarOpera for Windows
@leocg Not really, Leo. There is a Show Sidebar toggle switch meaning I would have to do two things to make it appear or disappear: click on the Easy set and then click on the toggle switch contained in its menu. I'm looking for a toggle switch that would reside by default in the task bar so that I could easily just click on it to toggle the sidebar on and off. I've dug into the settings but there doesn't appear to be one. I seem to remember one (maybe it was Firefox long ago) but can't find it. An Extension maybe? Anyone? If not, what is the keyboard shortcut to toggle it on and off? Thanks.
Toggle switch for sidebarOpera for Windows
Is there a toggle switch for the sidebar that can be activated from the taskbar? I can't seem to remember keyboard shortcuts.
- Opera for Windows
Tools and settings to keep us safeOpera for Windows
In a Tech Radar review, the author wrote the following:
"Some find it troubling that in 2016, Opera was sold to a Chinese consortium. The country’s tech companies have been in the news in the past for controversial privacy policy and data sharing issues. That said, Opera does claim to allow you to disable certain data collection processes in settings... If privacy is your priority or you have sensitive data that you need to keep safe, Opera probably isn’t the best choice. Otherwise, there are a number of tools and settings that will keep you reasonably protected while browsing with Opera.
Two questions: 1) What are these tools and settings to keep us safe while browsing? 2) How would one go about disabling this data collection?
RE: How can get Opera T-shirt as a memento?Lounge
While your motivation (i.e. to "grow" the Opera brand) may be admirable, wearing an Opera t-shirt is not going to be very effective. Besides, if you are a true fan of Opera, then you will not mind purchasing the shirt and wearing it to aid in its marketing. Opera remains a rather small browser based upon its user base data and therefore it cannot afford to give away for free items to anyone who asks regardless of the story they tell Opera as to their motivation (i.e. I want to help expand your business). I've wondered why Opera has not tried to develop fan loyalty by re-instituting the personal blogs but evidently it does not see things the way I do and so I respect their decision.
RE: How can get Opera T-shirt as a memento?Lounge
@alirezakiakojouri You're being a bit silly in your request. Of course Opera does Not give stuff away. Opera is a business and as such, its donations are made in tradeshows rather than to individuals online. If you want an Opera t-shirt, buy one. It's really as simple as that.
RE: 1Password advised me to use Firefox/Brave insteadLounge
@hkmquis As I've been told several times before, it boils down to a matter of trust. Do you trust Opera OR do you trust 1Password? If they are advising against Opera then you've going to have to make a decision. For my part, I love the Opera of old and cannot bring myself to fully trust the Opera under Chinese ownership. Call me paranoid, but that is where my level of trust comes into play. You have to make your own decision as Leo will undoubtedly advise you.
RE: Revisiting Personal BlogsFeedback for the Forums
@sgunhouse I believe you are right. In my opinion, that's short-sighted on Opera's part. My guess is that both Vivaldi and Opera will remain niche browsers given the strangle-hold Chrome and now Edge have worldwide (and to a lesser extent: Brave and Firefox). Given that likelihood, it seems wise to solidify your user base as a community and not just by answering their technical questions. I always felt a part of the old Opera community because of that blogging feature. You would get to know people and over time become loyal to the company that provided this. I think it's wise that Vivaldi is continuing this feature as though it is re-creating the former Opera (Presto times) experience. Ah well... different strokes for different folks, I guess. Thanks for the conversation.
RE: Revisiting Personal BlogsFeedback for the Forums
@sgunhouse I understand. However, Opera at one time "did" offer it and Vivaldi have continued that feature which is welcomed by many of its users. I know that many places (i.e. WordPress) offer this, however, it would be yet another way of encouraging people to "stay" longer at the Opera site as well as encouraging a sense of community. Mind you, I'm not expecting it but was just wondering if the powers that be had changed their minds. I guess not.