Tbh I'd expected the button to be ported as an option to regular Opera if the concept proved successful, not the other way around.
Posts made by frenzie
RE: Opera Touch introduces new bottom navigationBlogs
RE: New commenting mechanism on Opera blogsBlogs
@artexjay said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
@frenzie Vivaldi Forums comparison to Opera forums is extremely relevant. They use the exact same system!
That comes across as if you're somehow disagreeing with me even though that's my very point?
RE: New commenting mechanism on Opera blogsBlogs
Is that some kind of rhetorical question? The current blogs + Disqus were purposefully introduced in 2013/2014 in favor of My Opera, presumably mainly for financial reasons. You could call not having to maintain Disqus a technical reason, but that just reduces down to that it costs, e.g., half as much.I don't understand the argument about splitting things up. That would just make it harder to follow. Please don't ever do that guys.
Regarding the Vivaldi blogs, Vivaldi isn't relevant to the point. You wrote the forum will "never" have a threaded view. Maybe it will, maybe it won't (and you can count this as a vote against), but given a clear NodeBB-based example of threading, chances are it involves little more than some theming.
Regardless if you like or dislike a feature, comparing the comments to other NodeBB implementations is quite relevant to understand what's a choice and what's a technical limitation.
That Disqus marks a lot of innocent stuff as spam was just as true in 2013. It's one of the many reasons I dislike Disqus. Comment a bit too long for its taste? Spam. Which makes it actively hostile as opposed to just annoying. Edited a couple of words/typos? Spam. Included a link? Spam.
I've never seen a web-based threaded format I like, except possibly for (old) Reddit.
RE: New commenting mechanism on Opera blogsBlogs
@andrew84 No, I don't think it's strange to comment underneath the relevant blog post. Where else?
I don't know what changed from Opera's perspective. However, it should be self-evident that if it's part of your job to reply to user questions, you're not going to refrain from reading or commenting just because it's not your favorite system. Without more information on the matter the reverse hypothesis is no less valid
(i.e., that the change was made precisely because those very Opera employees internally clamored for it).
Given a few basic requirements which are likely met by most commenting systems, I'd peg cost and reliability as the most important factors. Possibly also something like privacy as a USP, given that Opera VPN is advertised that way. A system like Disqus doesn't support that principle.
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
I knew about it then, but it's something different because all the replied comments in tree are also duplicated beneath in a regular way.
Note that Vivaldi's threaded blog comments are also based on NodeBB.
RE: New commenting mechanism on Opera blogsBlogs
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
notifications (red circle next to username)
Disqus logs you out constantly and always displays a deceptive red circle as soon as it does. It's probably the most noticeable intentional misfeature. By contrast, there's a magical place with an actually functional notification icon. One guess...
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
And the fact that Disqus was more popular than forum among users till know (including Opera team) tells me that Disqus was more informative and easier.
It tells you people follow the blog and feel the impulse to comment on the blog. Nothing more and nothing less. That might tell you something about Opera's browser and blog posts, but preciously little about Disqus.
Fyi, the widely disliked Disqus system fails to load again this morning:
Disqus is utterly unusable on mobile. Or it would be if it actually loaded. Most of the time it gets stuck using all your CPU like a malicious bitcoin miner until it craps out.
These days Disqus loads even less than back on its introduction in 2014. Make no mistake, some of us still posted a few comments occasionally in spite of Disqus. It used to be that Disqus was noticeably less dependable than anything else, where anything else basically loaded 99.99 % of the time and Disqus only some 90-95 %, usually fixed by a refresh. In 2019 it's literally down to loading on some days and not loading on others, refresh or not.
In short, the fact that Disqus is terrible is pretty much irrelevant. If Disqus worked I'd dislike it, as I detailed in a rare Disqus comment on the Opera blog back in 2014. On good old My Opera that'd have been quite easy to find; on Disqus it might be borderline impossible.
Either way, Disqus quite simply doesn't work at all anymore, so it needs to be replaced by something that does. Even if that something were somehow worse than Disqus, like the impressively, even caricaturishly awful Facebook comments. As luck would have it, this forum is a lot better than Disqus.
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
And the whole versions history with changelogs and other stuff can be moved to the forum.
Not in its current form. There's no relevant newsfeed available afaict, just new comments per category.
@burnout426 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
I'd like to have the "view forums thread" link at the top of the user comments section on the blog page too. Currently it's only on the bottom.
+1 Also it should read
View forum thread
instead. -
RE: New commenting mechanism on Opera blogsBlogs
Here we go, yesterday was an anomaly. These new forum-based comments here aren't as good as My Opera used to be (e.g., they require JS) but at least they work.
RE: New commenting mechanism on Opera blogsBlogs
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
If now all the attention will be focused on forum, what previously prevented Opera to be more active in their own forum instead of Disqus?
That'd have been a duplicate effort.
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
Now I see the following situation when I'm forced to choose commenting system between bad (forum) and very bad (new system) for comments in the blog.
This is the first time in years that I've posted a comment on a blog post. I'll leave the rest implied.
Okay, just one teeny tiny thing, unrelated to my thoughts on how Disqus is designed. Half the time Disqus doesn't even load. But of course just when I'm trying to get a screenshot of Disqus saying that "Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual" it's consistently loading in a split second⦠weird.
- Blogs
RE: Old Forum Posts.... Is there any way of accessing them now?Opera for Windows
I'm not sure if that torrent really graduated past experimental yet.
In any case, note that I wrote down a few suggestions on what to do here. For finding all of your own posts, taking the sample Python script as a guide:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os backup_directory = 'backup-data' check = ['username\n'] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(backup_directory): for file in files: if file.endswith(".txt"): file_path = os.path.join(root, file) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = f.readlines() if content[3] in check: print(file_path)
Note that even on an SSD that'll take a while.
RE: Hey, we have a Lounge!Lounge
The DnD Sanctuary is down!
Confirmed. Since yesterday. I'm waiting for news.
Well, technically it's the primary DNS server that's down. I'm not sure if this is really the proper place, but a mod can always delete this post if not. This is a cross-post:
Okay, here's the story of what happened:
The primary DNS server is apparently down:
$ host -a thedndsanctuary.eu ns01.weservit.nl Trying "thedndsanctuary.eu" ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
The secondary DNS server is fine:
$ host -a thedndsanctuary.eu ns02.weservit.eu Trying "thedndsanctuary.eu" Using domain server: Name: ns02.weservit.eu [snip]
But! Unfortunately there a typo snuck into the DNS record back when we set it up:
$ host -t ns thedndsanctuary.eu thedndsanctuary.eu name server ns01.weservit.eu. thedndsanctuary.eu name server ns01.weservit.nl.
It's fixed now:
$ host -t ns thedndsanctuary.eu thedndsanctuary.eu name server ns01.weservit.nl. thedndsanctuary.eu name server ns02.weservit.eu.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
RE: Hey, we have a Lounge!Lounge
IIRC there was a stricter limit for new users. Once you had racked up a number of posts (perhaps 20?) then you could post every 30 seconds without limit.
That would certainly make sense. Another (more annoying) approach would be to require a CAPTCHA or some such for the first few posts, although these days I think computers might already be better at 'em than humans.
RE: Hey, we have a Lounge!Lounge
Thirty seconds, period. Additional time would be adding insult to injury. -
RE: How to install, and run the Opera 20 for Windows, under Linux box, using the Wine app.Opera for Linux
I think it's easier to use a VM. Microsoft offers images on http://modern.ie
RE: Hey, we have a Lounge!Lounge
We could, if we were willing to write some code, which is not really a viable option, even if one knows the right format:
There's a place where My Opera smilies grow. :whistle:
I asked, and in response Opera graciously released the My Opera smilies under a permissive license. But I have no idea why they don't use their own smilies anymore.
- Lounge
RE: Looking after old friendsSuggestions and feature requests
For Opera Software to promote them, sending all their users there, they'd have to trust them fully to accept the unpredictability of these services changing their activities in the future. their TOS or even possibility of abusing the user's data stored on their servers.
Clearly those were all very important considerations prior to "sending all their users" to Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. To Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo!, and Mail.com. (source)
RE: New forum up and running!Feedback for the Forums
Oh lord, I've looked at the sources but missed that. Nevertheless - I'm kinda scared by 'lightweightness'...
Plus, anything that includes jQuery disqualifies as actually lightweight. :right:
RE: New forum up and running!Feedback for the Forums
It's beyond me why on earth Opera would scrap old forums just to... write a new one @_@ I thought that the intend was to use a ready made solution to avoid maintenance but no...
It's not clearly indicated, but Vanilla is definitely a ready-made solution.
RE: New forum up and running!Feedback for the Forums
Come on it could be much worse.....ok, no, it could not....
It could be based on Disqusβ¦
RE: Restart/resume of a downloadOpera for Windows
Here restart means not a continuation but a new download.
I'm pretty sure that restart has always meant from the beginning, unlike resume.