Old Forum Posts.... Is there any way of accessing them now?
maxdread last edited by
Thanks for the reply.
I've just tried googling... I put in "MaxDread Opera" (because I cannot remember any of my old post titles). It did throw up some of my old threads, but then when I click on them it just takes me to the menus of the new forum....
blackbird71 last edited by
You can always try searching the Wayback web-archive site for a URL. There's a fair amount of old Opera and MyOpera site material there.
Deleted User last edited by
full backup of old forums is at Wuala https://www.wuala.com/Frenzie/myopera-backup-data/
maxdread last edited by
@blackbird71. Thank. I'll check that out when I get time.
@ersi. I tried you r link and had no idea what to do with the page it took me to. Wold you (or anyone else) mind explaining what it is and how I access old posts from it?
Many thanks
blackbird71 last edited by
A *.tar file is a Linux-world file, but it can be unpacked in Windows using something like 7Zip. There's an explanation here:
I think Frenzie made a copy of the whole My Opera forums one chunk at a time, which was a genuine labor of love! However, searching through it all topically will probably require some pretty fair search software.
rainspa last edited by
I've found starting from this page useful, I haven't used it too much or gone too far back but it might be worth a try.
https://web.archive.org/web/20131106073925/http://my.opera.com/community/forums/ -
Deleted User last edited by
A *.tar file is a Linux-world file, but it can be unpacked in Windows using something like 7Zip. There's an explanation here:
I think Frenzie made a copy of the whole My Opera forums one chunk at a time, which was a genuine labor of love! However, searching through it all topically will probably require some pretty fair search software.On Windows, just unpack the files and organise them in one single folder. Doesn't Windows have search-within-text-files feature in the file manager out of the box? At least XP still had it.
Deleted User last edited by
Here's another way to access the contents of the old forums http://myoperabackupseed.netii.net/myopera-backup.torrent
frenzie last edited by
I'm not sure if that torrent really graduated past experimental yet.
In any case, note that I wrote down a few suggestions on what to do here. For finding all of your own posts, taking the sample Python script as a guide:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os backup_directory = 'backup-data' check = ['username\n'] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(backup_directory): for file in files: if file.endswith(".txt"): file_path = os.path.join(root, file) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = f.readlines() if content[3] in check: print(file_path)
Note that even on an SSD that'll take a while.