New Opera developer 30
donq last edited by
Very strange - this is IMO first time, when real showstopper (non-working dropdowns at higher DPI values) persists over two dev releases. Come-on people, am I really the only user here, using 120dpi screen resolution, opera dev version and want to use some websites, where dropdowns are needed?
Waiting for next release impatiently.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Very strange - this is IMO first time, when real showstopper (non-working dropdowns at higher DPI values) persists over two dev releases. Come-on people, am I really the only user here, using 120dpi screen resolution, opera dev version and want to use some websites, where dropdowns are needed?
Waiting for next release impatiently.The fix seems not to easy as they thought but they are working on it. It's a developer build so such annoyances may happen.
For now you can use the keyboard. Not the best thing, i agree, but it's a workaround at least.
donq last edited by
Thanks for tip - usual win kbd shortcuts (Alt+Down, F4) didn't work, but simple arrows are working - I wouldn't guess myself.
I know that this is dev build (which usually is beta quality anyway), no problem with that. I'm just attempting to raise probability for faster fixing this quirk
kroppy last edited by
Can't enlarge youtube video, grey space is bigger but not the video. It's like this since v.28 or even 27...
Deleted User last edited by
Is there an Opera Developer Archive of previous versions that can be downloaded?
Deleted User last edited by
Update stream: developer
System: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (x86_64; KDE)Pull-down menus don't display (there is just a small blank pull-down area). This is at 101 dpi. However, as very helpfully reported above, the up/down cursor arrows reveal the pull-down contents and enable selection.
My Windows version is the latest and works OK. Sorry, I'm not about to boot the horrid thing up, but the larger monitor (27", 1920 x 1080) may mean it is down to the 97 dpi area or lower.
gustavwiz last edited by
kroppy: Please post a screenshot.
kroppy last edited by
kroppy: Please post a screenshot.
And Bigger, if you look carefully both videos sizes have the same width.
It just moves to center and that's it. -
Deleted User last edited by
Downloaded update 30.0.1820.0 and dropdown's and everything else are working without problems.
lestalia last edited by
Didn't realize there were two options for switching tabs. I Had to disable "Tab cycling"..Working fine now
Deleted User last edited by
kroppy: Please post a screenshot.
And Bigger, if you look carefully both videos sizes have the same width.
It just moves to center and that's it. is not a bug, your screen size does not allow a bigger size of the video. The same thing happen in my notebook.
kroppy last edited by
@sidneyneto, I have full hd, in firefox and chrome it's bigger. And in firefox I have sidebar with vertical tabs, so window is reduced even further and youtube size is big. So it's not the case.
gustavwiz last edited by
kroppy: On the image I can see a download button. Is it an extension that adds it? If so, try to disable it.
kroppy last edited by
@gustavwiz Tried without FVD and didn't help... One more thing I will try; "click to play" in opera/settings/plugins and I will see what happens.
kroppy last edited by
Copied "Preferences" file from old to new profile and youtube is small! Something in settings! But what could it be
Oh well I will have to setup all again.
kroppy last edited by
Tried changing all options and nothing helped, so in the end I had to delete "Preferences" file from my profile and set all options from scratch, took me 5 minutes, so no biggie. Unfortunately extensions list was blank so I had to re-download them. Passwords, bookmarks and cookies work, so nothing was lost. But man I was stuck with small youtube since opera 28. Only thing that pops to my mind is something like nvidia drivers blacklist (I remember something like this in flags in Chrome) that kept flash videos in software mode and in low quality.
l33t4opera last edited by
New update - Opera developer 30.0.1833.0, and the change log
Surprise for the Linux
This time, instead of the 64-bit build, the first 32-bit version of the new Opera for Linux!
"Today we provide a 32-bit Linux version of our previous developer release. Sadly, there is no Linux 64-bit version this time aroundβsome changes we originally made to accommodate the 32-bit version on our build systems, actually broke the 64-bit version.
We have already fixed the issue internally, so the next release should have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions for Linux."
The announcements: for Mac and Windows, and for the 32-bit version for Linux.
\m/ :cheers: