[Crypto Wallet]Unauthorized transaction in my wallet
goncalo008 last edited by leocg
I got scamed from your wallet. I made transfer to opera crypto wallet and after the transfer conclued they automitcly sent to another adress. My tokens still there but i didn't authorize any transaction, so explain me how this happen?
how even is possible send something that i don't have?even this is strange. I wanna my money back.
goncalo008 last edited by
So literaly no one gonna reply me from support? So i can start a legal process against opera? Nice
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@goncalo008 This forum is not exactly the best place for that kind of support. You can check if https://www.opera.com/pt-br/crypto/faq helps.
goncalo008 last edited by
@leocg Since there no contact on the link you provide me, how can i reach someone to help? They don't provide a contact service?
It's very strange. how can be possible sent my tokens without authoriztion? Scammers
blackbird71 last edited by blackbird71
@goncalo008 said in [Crypto Wallet]Unauthorized transaction in my wallet:
... Since there no contact on the link you provide me, how can i reach someone to help? They don't provide a contact service? ...
Perhaps the eMail address in Item 18 of the Crypto Wallet FAQ might provide a possible path to raise your issue with Opera's wallet staff: walletfeedback-external@opera.com
goncalo008 last edited by
I sent an email for them, but so far they didn't repply so i gonna assume this is a real scam from a company.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@goncalo008 Or maybe the email address is not the correct one for that kind of request.
By the way, according to the FAQ, only the owner has control over the crypto wallet. That means that only you could have authorized the transaction.
Maybe the transaction was just cancelled?
goncalo008 last edited by
@leocg no mate the transaction happen (mine) and another transaction happen in the same second moving the tokens to another wallet. there is no cancel transaction.
This was something really wierd because it's the first time i see this happening. i used opera crypto wallet before and no problem, so i need someone to explain how this happen.
If you go to the internet saying it's secure and it's not, they can be sue for fake advertising and scam.So how can you explain i sent the token before they arrive? if you go see the transaction both transaction happen at the same time. If the transaction was cancel on my exchange i could see. but i what i see is successfull transaction. to my address.
goncalo008 last edited by
after sent 3 emails with zero repply what should i do? looks like no one cares about customer service in this company so i will assume that i can take legal actions easly. -
goncalo008 last edited by
i go put here the transaction ids in order to show you the scam from the company.
My transfer from exchange to the wallet: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xdd0b194060b5d0120382b2f6c33aad3f2e65512005a43237daa858ea0f816a13
unwanted transfer:
https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa4492bf0fdb752ab254539690fe7db3517becdbb7dea32ffe37dae5bea234033as you can see both were at exact same time. So how do authorize something in the milesecond?....
blackbird71 last edited by
@goncalo008 said in [Crypto Wallet]Unauthorized transaction in my wallet:
after sent 3 emails with zero repply what should i do?...
I'm just another ordinary user but the only "official," direct ways I'm aware of for users to contact Opera are via the bug report wizard (https://bugs.opera.com/wizard/) or the wallet feedback email address which I noted earlier. Most support for Opera is provided by other ordinary users here in the forum pages. Unless the staff reviewing the direct contact portals elect to respond to your input, you may have to resort to a more formal "legal" approach to try to get a response. However, given that Opera's published Terms of Service indicate that the browser services are provided "as is" to users without any warranty or guarantee, I'm not sure what the strength of any formal "legal" approach might be.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@goncalo008 Opera doesn't exactly have a email support service, so maybe the email you used is not for that kind of request.
As said, try using the regular ways to report issues to Opera.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@goncalo008 I don't exactly know how those things works but it's not exactly impossible to have two different transactions happening at the same time.
Anyway, I don't think Opera can do much about it, since they don't have any access or knowledge about your wallet or the transactions that you do with it.
goncalo008 last edited by
@leocg yah it's sad but i think they need tell me where i can go try solve my problem. You guys said they use a third party for that, so i need the company name in order to understand what happen.
goncalo008 last edited by
@leocg Hey, Still no replies from anybody... I already flag this with legal actions Opera can't wait to see what you gonna do against the law.