ENS (Ethereum Name Service) connectivity not working
spotlessapple last edited by spotlessapple
In the past I was able to connect my crypto wallet to app.ens.domains , but I am no longer able to. They mention that Opera wallets are able to connect, and I was able to in the past, but for whatever reason I can no longer connect my wallet. Can this be fixed in some way?
spotlessapple last edited by
Update: all my ENS tokens are gone from my wallet, the transaction history does not show me receiving tokens, but the claim shows up on etherscan and I can't reclaim them. Don't know what to do, switching to Metamask I guess since I lost just over 200 tokens. Etherscan link of transactions here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x969b78006f166766fb52ea3e732d22c6b3d8af94
spotlessapple last edited by
@spotlessapple update: my tokens are there, just not visible. Apologies for overreacting, but this was a nontrivial amount of money so I was a bit scared. I connected to the Zapper defi dapp and they're showing to be there. Opera only shows some tokens, but not all.