Opera crashing "out of memory" when lots of memory still available
peroen last edited by
Just a (late) comment: I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 with 16 GB RAM and a 16 GB pagefile. I'm still getting the "Out of memory" error in Opera (v27) from time to time, even when the amount of free RAM is 10 GB or more. So the problem might not be the lack of a pagefile or Windows running out of free memory.
Deleted User last edited by
This should not happen on a OS with such large ressources.
Please report this as a bug at https://bugs.opera.com/wizarddesktop/ and add crashdump files/information
lando242 last edited by
16 gigs of RAM here. I regularly keep Opera running for days, even weeks, and have had upwards of 400 tabs going at once and never gotten such an error.
scifisi last edited by
I'm sorry I have to disagree with all of you (apart from forum2233) as I have the same problem.
Stop blaming Windows please that is not the issue. On the same system that Opera is giving an 'Out of Memory' error I also have Firefox, Chrome and even IE - Yes that's right all of the other browsers are working just fine.Stop pointing the finger and realise that there is a problem with Opera - yes that's right, as difficult as is is to believe here in forums.opera.com land it still has problems. Stop burying your heads in the sand and please stop thinking it's perfect. Stop blaming the operating system even though it's Windows (lol, oh how funny we all use Linux here smarmy land) and deal with the problem at hand.
Mr. Lando242 with your 1013 posts, if you have Opera with over 400 tabs open and everything is running for weeks then you're a ....
lando242 last edited by
Mr. Lando242 with your 1013 posts, if you have Opera with over 400 tabs open and everything is running for weeks then you're a ....
Mad or jealous, I can't decide which...
lem729 last edited by
I check the task manager and Opera runs numerous
processes when I'm only using one window.Extensions, add-ons, plug-ins use memory. Do you use a lot of those? Opera divides it's processes up, so that if one thing crashes, the browser doesn't. So each extension, plugin, etc. uses a different process. If they all used the same process, you'd have more ram being used in that one process, and if anything went wrong, the browser would crash. So the separate processes are, it's my understanding, user-friendly. Of course, if you use a lot of tabs, that takes memory. Do you have other programs working in the background besides Opera. That can be taking up memory. Also, there could be, it's my understanding, memory leaks from malware, viruses. Etc. You need to check for that.
If other browsers like Opera, eg., Chrome, (which is the most alike), Firefox, IE) don't have the out-of-memory problems, (which is what @scifisi suggests) (but it's up to the original poster to test it for his situation), then that would suggest to me something with the Opera setup that is causing it.
A Former User last edited by
Go to the Control Panel, System, Advanced Proprieties, Performance. One of the buttons will lead you to the virtual memory settings. It should be enabled to at least onf of your SSDs/HDDs. Set your virtual memory size to "Defined by system", apply and restart.
Mame sure you have this setting to be defined by system and that you have enough free space in your SSD/HDD.
Only then, come here to tell us whether the issue remains.
A Former User last edited by
Some programs need to have a swapfile, regardless of how much RAM is fitted.
IIRC some Adobe programs used to be notorious for this, they just wouldn't work if there was no swapfile available.
If you're worried about security with a swapfile, and you're comfortable with editing the registry, navigate to
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
and set the "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" entry to "1".
The usual caveats about backing up first apply of course!
boutitbenza699 last edited by
have you check the Opera.exe processes on your Windows task manager on your computer.
if not, then go to task manager on your computer, then go to processes,then right click on one of the Opera.exe process, then go to "Set Priority", and their should be a list of priority, with "Low" the lowest and "Real Time" the highest. and if it's set to "Low", then select "Normal" to that process.
garyixia last edited by
I wouldn't blame this on Windows. It's been happening to me on my iMac for the last few months. About to give up on Opera.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Keep in mind that Opera is a 32-bit program in Windows. Without a pagefile to give it virtual memory, it is limited to 2 GB - some of which is used by plugins and Windows itself. Not that Opera shouldn't run in 2 GB if you don't get carried away, but you are limiting yourself there.
lando242 last edited by
IIRC its 2 GB per processes. Since everything is split into its own process its not really a problem. The only time I've ever had a single Opera process consume upwards of a gigabyte was when flash was busy being a piece of crap.
A Former User last edited by
<@rafaelluik> I set my virtual memory size to "Defined by System" which is actually "System Managed Size"
( I thought it looked wrong so I checked..) and still the out of memory error happens. Still no answer I know of yet and it's May 2017.
Anyone solve why this happens? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by admin