Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar
rs2 last edited by
The 3rd Party App automatically saves the last Position of Every Window, Folder, etc. when its Last Instance is closed. There is no switch for Opera, nor any other Program. It is always running in the background.
Opera is started from a Desktop Icon. It is simply C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\launcher.exe.
Yes, sorry. Task Bar.
Only IE is pinned, as it is used infrequently with older Programs which fail without IE.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@rs2 said in Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar:
This does not happen with any other browsers I use, including Firefox and IE 11.
Can you test with other Chromium-based browser besides Opera like Chrome, Brave, and Vivaldi. You can uninstall them when you're done test. It'd be interesting to see if it's a problem with Chromium-based browsers in general or just Opera.
Also, what's the 3rd party app?
rs2 last edited by
I assume Firefox is Not Chromium Based?
I did try Vivaldi, but I forget why I removed it. I don't recall if it had the same issue, or not.
It'll be a while. I'll need to run a Back Up, Install, Test, Restore Backup. Not in the mood to do this right now.
Program is "Shell Folder Fix".
rs2 last edited by leocg
This is what I always do before any Install. It's the only way I know to get back to exactly what I had if I change my mind. In this case, I hate Chrome and I know I will be uninstalling it. I guess I should not have said Back Up. I actually save an Image of the Drive. That's how I make a "Back Up".
rs2 last edited by
Finally found my Imaging Software. (Replaced all flooring in the home and most everything is still in boxes.) Installed Chrome and it does NOT have the same Issue. Each Additional Chrome Instance opens slightly Right and slightly Lower than First Instance. This is perfect. Only Opera, so far, has been an Issue.
rs2 last edited by
Vivaldi works just like Chrome. Slightly Down and slightly to the Right. Perfect.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@rs2 said in Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar:
Program is "Shell Folder Fix".
Have you tried asking the author ("Tweaker", according to about this issue in to see if he knows what's going on?
What version of Shell Folder Fix do you have?
On, it shows screenshots of the preferences. Can you provider screenshots of your preferences for the program so that we are all on the same page if someone here decides to try it?
Tweaker's initial post in that forum mentioned earlier says:
This is an app to make win7 explorer folder windows remember their size and position. It has a couple of additional features too, and hopefully some more later on. It does NOT manage window size/positions of regular applications,
I'm guessing:
It does NOT manage window size/positions of regular applications,
is no longer true?
rs2 last edited by leocg
I have not asked about the app as it works for everything else I expect it to work for, as I expect it to work, including the first Instance of Opera. It is the subsequent Instances of Opera with which there is an Issue (for me). I use this app on several Win 10 PC's, including at work without Issue. This PC is the only PC with Opera. This App is not expected to do anything to subsequent Instances of any Application (which is where my Issue lies). It simply "remembers" the Size and Location of the Last Instance. Since Opera opens every subsequent Instance behind my Task Bar, unless I close the First Instance last, the app saves the position of Opera behind the Task Bar. Even if the app were gone, the Issue remains that subsequent Instances of Opera open where I do not want them to open. Do your Subsequent Instances of Opera open somewhere other than above the First Instance?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@rs2 said in Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar:
Do your Subsequent Instances of Opera open somewhere other than above the First Instance?
If I unmaximize Opera and close it (so that Opera opens up in windowed mode), and then launch its shortcut so a new window opens each time, each new window appears on top of the rest and just down and to the right a little bit so that you can see the top of all the older windows behind it. Then, eventually, if the bottom of the window will appear outside the bottom of the screen, Windows moves it to the top of the screen and then cascading starts again from there.
If I open Windows from another instance of Opera (say Opera Beta), it starts its own cascade.
I have my Windows 10 taskbar set to auto-hide. And, its position is at the bottom.
Chrome and Chrome Canary seem to do the same as Opera.
rs2 last edited by leocg
OK. I think I was not accurate in my Description of my Issue.
If I do as you described, I get the same results; but, that is not how I launch the Subsequent Instances.
The First Instance opens from a shortcut, where I want it and is not Full Screen, by my choice.
I do not like Tabbed Browsing, because the Tabs seem to "share" data. (My way of understanding what is happening) So, what I do is to, let's say, run a search in Google. I then open each of the desired results in Separate Instances by Right Clicking and selecting "Open link in new private window". Only Opera opens these windows/instances "stuck" to the Top of the screen, placing them behind my Task Bar. All of the other Browsers I use open them the same as from a shortcut.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@rs2 said in Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar:
So, what I do is to, let's say, run a search in Google. I then open each of the desired results in Separate Instances by Right Clicking and selecting "Open link in new private window"
For links, it's "Open link in private Window", not "Opera link in new private window". As in, it'll open a new private window the first time and then open a tab in that existing private window afterwards. Never mind though. I am able to reproduce with the following steps on Windows 10.
Make sure the Windows taskbar is not set to auto-hide. Then, drag the taskbar to the right and then top of the screen so that it's up top instead of at the bottom. (This isn't really necessary to show the problem, but makes it stand out more.)
Open Opera in windowed mode. If it opens maximized, unmaximize (restore) the window.
In Opera, keep hitting ctrl + n to open a new window (or ctrl + shift + n to open a new private window).
Result: At first, with each new window, it'll open on top of the last window but just a few pixels lower and to the right of the previous window so that they appear cascaded. This is correct behavior. But, after a few new windows are opened (4 for me), the new window opens at the very top of the screen (yPosition = 0) and then the cascade of new windows follows from that tab at the top.
Expected: In Chrome, each new window keeps appearing lower and to the right of the previous window. It doesn't start placing the windows up top like Opera.
Opera's way is bad, not only because it doesn't match Chrome and other programs, but because when the Windows taskbar is up at the top of the screen, when Opera starts placing windows at the top, it places them *under* the taskbar where you can't see the top of the window and address field etc. (until enough new ones open again). It then makes it hard to get at the X of those windows to close them.
rs2 last edited by
@burnout426 said in Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar:
@rs2 said in Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar:
So, what I do is to, let's say, run a search in Google. I then open each of the desired results in Separate Instances by Right Clicking and selecting "Open link in new private window"
For links, it's "Open link in private Window", not "Opera link in new private window". ??????????
Make sure the Windows taskbar is not set to auto-hide. Then, drag the taskbar to the right and then top of the screen so that it's up top instead of at the bottom. (This isn't really necessary to show the problem, but makes it stand out more.)
Open Opera in windowed mode. If it opens maximized, unmaximize (restore) the window.
In Opera, keep hitting ctrl + n to open a new window (or ctrl + shift + n to open a new private window).
Result: At first, with each new window, it'll open on top of the last window but just a few pixels lower and to the right of the previous window so that they appear cascaded. This is correct behavior. But, after a few new windows are opened (4 for me), the new window opens at the very top of the screen (yPosition = 0) and then the cascade of new windows follows from that tab at the top.
For me, the very first and all subsequent windows, they are "stuck" to the Top of the Screen. Never do they show lower than the Top of the Screen.
Expected: In Chrome, each new window keeps appearing lower and to the right of the previous window. It doesn't start placing the windows up top like Opera.
Opera's way is bad, not only because it doesn't match Chrome and other programs, but because when the Windows taskbar is up at the top of the screen, when Opera starts placing windows at the top, it places them *under* the taskbar where you can't see the top of the window and address field etc. (until enough new ones open again). It then makes it hard to get at the X of those windows to close them.
rs2 last edited by leocg
Again, I find I am not being clear. I Hata Tabbed Browsing!! Each Link is opened with a Right Click and a new window is selected. I Never (except accidentally) open a Tab.
I found I can duplicate your results by making the first Window smaller before opening the Links in new windows.
I normally have the first (and subsequent) Window(s) close to Maximized size. I leave the bottom edge of the Screen viewable (and several shortcuts are kept there). Please try it with the window stretched close to Maximum and see what you get. Thanks.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Please file a bug at and post the bug number here. In addition to including all the details needed to reproduce the bug, you can include the link to this thread.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@rs2 said in Additional Instance Opens Behind my Start Bar:
Please try it with the window stretched close to Maximum and see what you get. Thanks.
Yes. I see. I think it's the same underlying issue between the two scenarios. But, yeah, might be good to detail both.
rs2 last edited by
This is to acknowledge that we have received your bug report, with the ID: DNAWIZ-120064.