Where is the "Recently closed tabs/Tab menu" button on the top right?
ericartman92 last edited by Apr 24, 2020, 9:08 PM
@leocg Which is idiotic. The feature was sound, it was one of the things that set opera apart from the competition and now it's replaced by something that is of no real value. It's use cases are questionable.
Thanks you, opera developers! Ruined the browser. Continue down this path and you'll lose what's left of your fanbase.
A Former User last edited by Apr 24, 2020, 10:43 PM
I also missed this feature the first time I wanted to reopen a closed tab... shit, where did that button go? Then I came here to find it, and yes, that flag works for now, but this really something they shouldn't have removed... it was one of the most useful features. It was just there, a click away, not hidden away in the menu... there is space for two buttons there Opera, just sayin'...
A Former User last edited by Apr 24, 2020, 11:19 PM
It works but now as an experimental feature!!!
opera: // flags / # search-in-open-tabs
Just follow the link and set the parameter to Disabled, then Relaunch.
Will return as before the update! -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 12:04 AM
@Valknut68 Flags are created for developers to enable/disable a feature during its development/testing period. Once the feature is enabled by default in the stable channel for a while, it is removed.
drjpt1712 last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 5:41 AM
@leocg what are other options now, I really hate it when i accidentally close a window and then have to open all the tabs that were closed after closing the window just because the feature was removed
drjpt1712 last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 5:45 AM
@burnout426 said in Where is the "Recently closed tabs/Tab menu" button on the top right?:
Thank You Sooooo Much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saved my day -
maheshdm last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 6:38 AM
I recently updated Opera Browser on windows 10 to 68.0.3618.56 and I am not able to find the button of last closed tabs, though I found key to re-one last closed tab. Is this button removed ?
ericartman92 last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 7:07 AM
@drjpt1712 No option that's as easy as it was. Now you're expected to go into History and look for that closed tab. Absolutely inconvenient.
ericartman92 last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 7:11 AM
@maheshdm Yep, they removed the button. You can temporarily turn it back with a flag, but this is a feature that opera's management has slated for removal.
Looks like someone in management isn't quite....erm....the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to identifying and evaluating distinctive features that set opera apart from the competition. -
maheshdm last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 11:39 AM
@ericartman92 said in Where is the "Recently closed tabs/Tab menu" button on the top right?:
Thank you @ericartman92 , appreciate your help. Opera should think before such useful and distinctive features.
A Former User last edited by leocg Apr 25, 2020, 2:02 PM Apr 25, 2020, 12:04 PM
Now it is as a function for testing. And it has a flag, ok
But you have already forgotten that it was a standard option in Opera before update 68.0.3618.46 !!!
And all the moderators insisted on repeating over and over again, "has been moved to history"!
And how many times do people repeat their statements?!?
Because of this, the "cards open on another device" have also disappeared!
And the button "history" is now placed very impractically, because far away, in the sidebar.
@Valknut68 said in Where is the "Recently closed tabs/Tab menu" button on the top right?:@leocg
It works but now as an experimental feature!!!
opera: // flags / # search-in-open-tabs
Just follow the link and set the parameter to Disabled, then Relaunch.
Will return as before the update! -
A Former User last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 12:11 PM
As I wrote several times, the button works after entering the flags.
But no one understands the reason for its removal.
Regards -
zhdrob last edited by Apr 25, 2020, 4:49 PM
After update to 68 version the button where i could open the latest tabs disappeared from main tab
skoy21 last edited by Apr 26, 2020, 2:12 AM
@burnout426 said in Where is the "Recently closed tabs/Tab menu" button on the top right?:
Goto the URL
, disable the flag, and restart Opera.Thanks for that, it's not obvious at all that disabling the "search in open tabs" brings back the "open closed tabs" Button...
As if they do it on purpose to piss of their few loyal remaining users..
skoy21 last edited by Apr 26, 2020, 2:19 AM
@Nakanaki07 As they mentioned above, go to the URL opera://flags/#search-in-open-tabs, disable the flag, and restart Opera.
The old Closed Tabs icon will reapear. -
amauro last edited by Apr 26, 2020, 4:33 PM
It has been replaced by "Search in tabs", which is totally useless, as it is accessible from the Sidebar.
"Undo closed tabs button" extensionWill the tab menu be restored some day?
supermanu35 last edited by Apr 27, 2020, 6:45 AM
In your last update, i don't see where it is for open a tab from an other device ? On computer, it was on the right top corner, but you replaced the button by à magnifying glass button.