chrome://flag and opera://flags no Enable resampling scroll events? project butter2
samstabauser last edited by samstabauser
Hello everbody,
i already wrote an email to your opera support about this issue last year but the current Opera versions still suffer this behaviour.
It is the stuttering bug while scrolling with finger on the screen. (kinetic scrolling isn´t affected in all buggy opera and chrome versions!) This behaviour is also seeing in google chrome browser round about a ~ 1 year, while using it on android (6 to 8.1).
Now i found a solution in the google chrome browser for my Samsung T580 android tablet...
The option is hidden in chrome chrome://flag and is called Enable resampling scroll events
Chrome Version 70.0.3538.80 offers 5 options.
When Enabled kalman or Enable isq is activated, scrolling is smooth again.With this option kalman isq, scrolling fast while finger is on the screen is nearly as smooth as it was in opera 45.0.2246.125120. The last good opera for android APK (because of smooth scrolling)
You still can get this version here. my question is, where can i find this hidden option in Opera for android?
opera://flags only shows a few options. Is there a second hidden menu?by the way, current Samsung browser v7.4.00.70 ( still is smooth on both scrolling styles. And surprise it is also chromium based browser! So why opera can´t do this?
so -PLEASE-bring back smooth scrolling to opera for android. regards
P.S: Does somebody have a good capturing app where i can get 60 FPS videos from an android tablet??
samstabauser last edited by samstabauser
just an techdemo website that shows the huge impact of 30 vs 60 fps while scrolling text websites.