Opera not showing in Windows 10 Start Menu List of Apps
A Former User last edited by
When I install other programmes they subsequently appear in Windows Start Menu List of Apps (in alphabetical order) with name and icon. This includes a rival browser Mozilla Firefox. Opera does not so I have to go into Explorer select Opera.exe then create a short-cut and place it on the desktop. Why does Opera not follow the installation protocol of other programmes? I once tried "pin to side bar" but that then showed opera outside the Apps tiles. I cannot see any "fix" under Opera Help. Guidance please. Also to reach this forum I had to go on Google and type search Opera forums. Could a link to Opera Forums not be included as an icon on Opera Start page?
A Former User last edited by
I had already executed both of the 2 suggestions above. I did a very detailed search of help page several times (in past weeks) before I posted my comment.
One further query when I update Opera versions it does not remove from (x86 programmes) the earlier files so I have to manually delete those superceded folders.