Opera 36 beta released with a new tab switcher!
mrninko last edited by
I would prefer not blue but red background of tab switcher. It's much more friendly for eyes.
A Former User last edited by
I would prefer not blue but red background of tab switcher. It's much more friendly for eyes.
Maybe the background color could be an option?
A Former User last edited by
Hmm, The new tab switcher is interesting. the mini thumbnails remind me of mini-cards in palm webos. Speaking of webos, I think opera could get some inspiration from webos "stacks" where one could stack tumbnails together and press and hold to move and arrange them. That would be like bringing tab stacking from desktop to to mobil.
A Former User last edited by
I think I prefer the old way with the current page in the background at the top instead of just a solid color.
Also seems like the mini thumbnails could be a little bigger, but maybe need to be small if there is a lot of them.
sora-to-umi-to last edited by
I agree with laingman.
I immediately toggled back to the old style tabs view (using classic UI).With the current page in the background, the whole browser has more overview. You can more easily check "what the other tabs were", can remove needless tabs without losing your focus on the contents you are currently reading and you can quickly switch back to the webview-only display just by hitting somewhere of the current page contents. Thus, you don't need to pain your head with "where was I?" and search for the tab and butttons.
This is very reasonable when you have a "main theme" and "research stuffs" to deal with the theme, e.g. Shopping - Amazon result page is on the main tab, the other tabs are articles about the products.To me, the old style is one of the "operanized" nice points and the reasons why I've choosing Opera on Android.
The new style is rather a "degeneration" to the common millions browsers and is so much unreasonable as the others in tabs management. -
custdemotest last edited by
Bypass user engagement checks flag feel useful too whitening some ads redirections.
A Former User last edited by
quickly switch back to the webview-only display just by hitting somewhere of the current page contents. Thus, you don't need to pain your head with "where was I?" and search for the tab and butttons.
I don't know about this beta but in the stable version you can go back to the tab you were before entering the tab switcher by using the device back button. It's not something "non-techies" usually figure out though (I see people constantly taking more steps to perform something because they're tied to the app UI controls).
mrninko last edited by
There's issue with new tab switcher. Earlier one use to show page content, but this one show just white nothing. To show content of page in card of tab switcher you have to first view that page fullscreen and then when you open tab switcher it shows content. See:
](http://postimage.org/' target='_blank)
](http://postimage.org/' target='_blank)
](http://postimage.org/' target='_blank)
A Former User last edited by
To me the advantage to the new tab switcher is that it is possible to scroll through tabs faster, and with the mini thumbnails one can get a big picture view of the tab order. I think it would have been better to keep you old ui and make it so that scrolling outside (below) the thumbnails is faster. The size of the old thumbnails was fine, the new ones are bigger but the page titles are shorter so no real advantage there. I wish they could keep the old ui and just add mini thumbs
I do want to say big thank you for fixing the pull down to refresh feature.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
There's issue with new tab switcher. Earlier one use to show page content, but this one show just white nothing. To show content of page in card of tab switcher you have to first view that page fullscreen and then when you open tab switcher it shows content.
I'm not seeing that issue here. Does it happens only if opened tabs are from the same domain?
A Former User last edited by
Opera never ask me to save login info for Chase bank. I was hoping this would work with the new version but no luck. A real pain it is
I suppose Chase is trying not to allow auto login on mobil phones. But then again it works in the lastpass browser, but I hate having to leave opera to accomplish this
mrninko last edited by
There's issue with new tab switcher. Earlier one use to show page content, but this one show just white nothing. To show content of page in card of tab switcher you have to first view that page fullscreen and then when you open tab switcher it shows content.
I'm not seeing that issue here. Does it happens only if opened tabs are from the same domain?
Happens for all my open pages at background
alhusseiny938 last edited by
هل هناك قسم خاص للذين يتكلمون اللغة العربية ؟
jtilleync last edited by
Has anyone else had any problems updating and now reinstalling the latest opera beta?
The standard Opera installation on the same device (Galaxy S4) is fine, both the standard and beta installations on my tablet (Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4) are fine as is the desktop installation of standard Opera that I'm using right now.
I went through the whole google play troubleshooting checklist already.
Any ideas?
jtilleync last edited by
OK, this seems to be a google play issue and not an Opera issue.
I finally got it installed, so disregard. -
mrninko last edited by
There's an issue with download manager. Description:
- download some file from internet (e.g. some picture from google)
- download manager notifies you about successful downloading (default folder "Download")
- minimize Opera beta app, use some file manager to find this file (picture) and erase it
- open Opera beta from background and save the same file (picture) again
- download manager notifies you that this file already exists and ask you to rewrite it
- click on OK and manager notifies you about successful downloading, but here it comes
- open download folder using file manager - there is not downloaded any file (picture) despite download manager said something else
To solve this problem, you have to manually delet this file (or just log about its downloading) from download managet to be possible download it second time again for real. And why is it problem? Because:
- manytimes you have to download same file(s) again even erased ones
- there're lots of files over internet and many times I stumbled on files with same names but with different content
mrninko last edited by
Reporting again. There's issue with video downloading. On some pages is impossible to download video. After long click on video it shows possibility to download it but after clicking on download "button" nothing happens.