Presto upgrade to Opera 25
upgradevictim last edited by
"Today a popup asked if I wanted to update to the latest version of Opera. I said no. When I next turned on the computer - it was updated without my permission."
Check Program Files/Opera and confirm whether Opera was actually upgraded. I had a similar experience and discovered it didn't actually upgrade Opera -- I'm still at Presto -- but did completely upend my Opera prefs ini file, totally changing the look and feel of Presto and making it unusable. Until I started digging deep into my system, I also thought I had somehow been upgraded. Solution was to replace the new prefs file with a recent backup copy of the old one.
As I said in the other thread, to try to cram down an upgrade to people who've specifically opted out of upgrades and then destroy the utility of their existing Presto installation by replacing the prefs ini file is more than an ethical lapse.
podgepapin last edited by
As peterinscotland said
- Too few settings are available for changing things
- No Print Preview, which means you can't get a page to print how you want it
These are still things that need adding, there used to be more setting control with early versions of Opera. My dad prints quite a bit from web pages and most, if not all don't fit the page fully. In 12.17 and before he could do a print preview and if it didn't fit he could change the settings to enlarge it to fit the page, or just make the text bigger as some printouts have too small text for him to read properly.
Its good to see the bookmarks tab return, although I've got to see if i can import my old bookmarks from 12.17.
podgepapin last edited by
I nearly forgot, unless i've missed it can the auto update be turned off so i get notified when a new version is available and do it manually? If its not there it needs to be brought back!
lindseyoconnor last edited by
Yes, Upgradevictim, mine was actually updated (I checked to see what Version I now have and it was the new 25).
blackbird71 last edited by
Yes, Upgradevictim, mine was actually updated (I checked to see what Version I now have and it was the new 25).
But have you also checked in your programs folder to see whether the old Presto Opera version still lives there (and is functional by double-clicking on its opera.exe file)? Installing Blink Opera ordinarily (and "officially") leaves the Presto Opera version in place and unperturbed, possibly copying out only bookmarks data and replacing the Opera shortcuts with new ones pointing to the new Blink Opera installation.
wesleyaip last edited by
This update is simply ridiculous, moron, disoriented and left me extremely upset.
The speed dial page I can use in the old version, and the page of markers? Why can't I see them as thumbnails as it used to?
Is there any way to go back as it was? -
A Former User last edited by
There is a way.
To write Opera 13, by ourselves, from everything we could scratch out of the [opensourced?] Presto engine and latest true versions. -
lindseyoconnor last edited by
Blackbird71, I just checked my programs - the only Opera program there is the new 25 version that Opera covertly installed yesterday. The older version appears to be gone.
blackbird71 last edited by
@lindseyoconnor, that is very disturbing news. In my opinion, if it is intentional that way by Opera, it violates the assurances which Opera has all along provided that Presto users would be able to continue using Presto as long as they want, and that any "updating" would leave the original installation in place and operative (which is how manual Blink Opera installations up until now have all worked).
There still has been no answer/explanation/amplification on what is going on with possible auto-updating from Presto to Opera 25 by either Opera or those non-Opera folks around here who are "close" to Opera. That, by itself, sounds ominous. While I certainly don't want my own Opera installations ripped up by such an Opera-driven update process (I can readily recover from backups, etc), I am much more concerned that the supposed updating being observed is malware-driven in some manner. Maliciously installing "fake" or malware-laden "updates" to/along-side-of well-known software is a time-honored, though not universal, technique employed by the bad guys. As such, users experiencing this need to be advised whether or not their systems have been compromised somehow, and other Presto users out there need to be advised whether there is some kind of new threat now on their immediate horizon.
The reports now exist in multiple places in this forum... the user experiences are real, for better or worse. An explanation from Opera is needed, since only they know for sure what they are or are not doing with updates.
Deleted User last edited by
I think this is necessary because someday Presto will be unuseable and the devs won't provide the download link.
blackbird71 last edited by
The reports now exist in multiple places in this forum... the user experiences are real, for better or worse. An explanation from Opera is needed, since only they know for sure what they are or are not doing with updates.
What a load of rubbish. Stop fanning the proverbial fire, blackbird. We have only "their" word for what has happened and from what I've seen on these forums from naysayers and avowed Opera haters, I would put very little stock in their claims.
I'm sorry if this offends you. @leushino, but I'm fanning no fires. Over the last several weeks, I've seriously attempted to help various users in this forum who, as a fairly bunched cluster in time, have started reporting what appeared to them to be similar unsolicited auto-updating of their Presto Opera versions to Blink Opera. Some have posted screen shots, others have not. At first, the target cause seemed to be some peculiar malware, since the 'updates' didn't function properly or were incomplete.
Past statements from Opera have been to the sense that Blink wouldn't over-write Presto installations, even if Opera wanted to, so those statements have colored my assumptions in focusing on a role of some new form of malware in these user problems. But a finite possibility remains that Opera is indeed doing something to update systems via Presto's update checker, and that 'something' is either wrongly executing for some users or malfunctioning. A simple statement by Opera can remove that possibility, and allow users to focus more directly on tracking down whatever malware is or might be involved. That's the whole of it, and no offense or fire-fanning is intended. If you know something factually that "makes this all rubbish", do please provide the link to something official. I just seek a simple answer from Opera or those closely associated with it: is Opera currently or in the recent past updating Presto installations to Blink via Presto's updater?
chewy last edited by
I've been a long time user of Opera and I'm extremely frustrated with the direction the browser has taken. I've never voiced my concerns prior to today, but today's UNWELCOME update has forced me to voice my opinion.
Opera Dev's: Read the above postings...Again, IMHO either let the end user DISABLE AUTO-UPDATING or SPLIT YOUR BUILDS; new features SEPARATE from mandatory bug/security updates. I believe that if you just do this, MOST of what people are complaining about would be remediated.
Does it make sense to put new features that have not been vetted to the community INTO THE STABLE BUILD? I think NOT! However, it DOES make sense to put bug/security features into STABLE!
Put NEW FEATURES in a Dev build and keep STABLE, well STABLE!
Also, what is your target audience for Opera (Desktop)? (certainly not any company or corporation). Desktop change-control is PARAMOUNT in those environments, especially corporate. Slip in new features without telling them BEFORE HAND, remove/change options like Bookmarking to Stash to Bookmarking again but WITHOUT Stash, don't give them the option to disable automatic updates (to freeze a build) AND you've just LOST A CUSTOMER, I guarantee it.
Listen People: Obviously, your current methods are starting to piss people off (yup, I'm one of them). I would suggest, as someone with a vested interest in seeing Opera succeed, LISTEN TO YOUR BASE.
I hope this helps. Just speaking solely for myself, if this behavior continues, I will abandon Opera and go back to IE (I thought I'd NEVER hear me say that!)
(but seriously, I'll find something else to use)
blackbird71 last edited by
... I've never voiced my concerns prior to today, but today's UNWELCOME update has forced me to voice my opinion. ...
@chewy1991, are you speaking from personal experience wherein your own Presto Opera version was apparently "updated" to Opera 25 without your involvement? If not, then of course you are free to express an opinion, but I'm trying to identify specific user instances where this seems to have occurred. Thus far, there have been 4, with 2 additional "possibles" if I can only run down their separate threads (now buried well down in the forum stack, and the forum search has been of no help).
antiqueshell last edited by
I've noticed that version 25.0.1614.50 seems a bit slower than the previous version 24 that it replaced.
Also have had some pages crashing that never happened on the previous version either. -
chewy last edited by
@blackbird71 - Thank you for writing something constructive.
I speak purely from a post-Presto perspective and my own experience with the current Opera.
Perhaps I was too "doom and gloom", so please forgive the tone. No offense meant to anyone. I have grown over many years to depend on Opera for work and home. Here's what happened to cause my post:
I was pissed off to find my "stash" gone.
It escalated when I found no way to restore stash without losing the new favorites functionality.
It got worse when I saw speed dial buttons lost the HTML picture rendering and MOST thumbnails were replaced with either a logo I didn't immediately recognize or alternating font texts (or configuration setting to CHOOSE).
To top it off, I then discovered that there was no way to PREVENT all of this with the lack of an Auto-Update-Disable option.
I believed that it would be beneficial if I iterated my own end user experience. I know I can't be the only one that got this update and wasn't BAFFLED at the least.
Look, if I didn't care about this browser, TRUST ME, I wouldn't have written a thing and just dumped Opera at this point. I felt by posting something about what happened in the field, you guys would get the perspective of just how wrong this update methodology is.
Again, it's only my opinion and I could be the only one. Just thought it was worth mentioning.
blackbird71 last edited by
Imagine that... 4 forced (or so it is claimed) updates out of the tens of thousands who now use Opera 25 with not so much as a peep. ...
Are your days really that empty that you must find meaning in representing the masses... err... the 2's or 4's who are whining? My suggestion is to get a life. Enjoy the amazing new browser from Opera and stop worrying about a tempest in a teapot.I don't know what has got your knickers in such a knot, @leushino. I've explained that I stumbled into this question by trying to help 3 of the 4 posters before this announcement was ever made, and I originally suspected they were dealing either with malware or system malfunctions. But as as time has gone by, and with the announcement at the top of this thread stating that: "To make sure our users get the best out of the web, we’ve begun offering some of our Presto users a chance to upgrade to Opera 25." I don't know how you read that, but to my eyes it appears that there is a possibility, not a certainty, that Opera has begun doing something specific toward Presto users they weren't doing before. All I'm trying to do is ask whether that "something" involves pushing Presto updates in some manner, on a selective basis... a simple, knowledgeable 'yes' or 'no' would suffice. But thus far, the only 'outside' response has been you ridiculing those who are trying to unravel a cause for the issue.
If Opera isn't pushing updates, then users with unsought "update" problems (and my advice to them) can confidently advance on the fact, not an assumption, that Opera updating is not a factor in these 4 purported unsought update episodes, all of which have occurred in the last 16 days, with nothing prior. (FYI, there were 2 other situations that arose last July involving Opera being auto-installed "out of the blue" onto user systems which had no prior Opera version installed. That turned out to be, in at least one instance, due to an AV auto-updating software module. So these issues can be, and often are, legitimate.) Accusing such users of fabricating claims or just being chronic whiners like certain other posters borders on paranoia. Accusing me of fanning fires or spouting total rubbish denotes a total failure on your own part to read and objectively consider all the material that has been posted by those involved in the reports. To those users, while they may only constitute a small percentage of users, their problems seem real enough to them - and this forum exists, supposedly, to help users with Opera problems. Try doing that, instead of whacking people over the head for asking for such help or trying to offer it.
A Former User last edited by
...if I can only run down their separate threads (now buried well down in the forum stack, and the forum search has been of no help).
You could star them.
aakhlemuria last edited by
There is really big issue for me on this update;
It's about search engine, i can't remove default search engines. Because my custom search engines uses the same keyword. Normally i use "y" for youtube ,"w" for wowhead now they removed on this update and i can't add back. I'm using these two keywords for more than 5 years, now i can't. Seriously it's really annoying. I don't need default search engines really. Bing,yandex,wikipedia and amazon, they all is useless for me. Atleast give us to edit these default search engines or remove them at next update.If anyone have solution for it, i would really appreciate for it.
(sorry for my eng)