Opera 12 vs 23
Deleted User last edited by
No, I can't.
There are different things to consider:
- technical things: the browser must be up-to date and presto was not.
- I guess many IE users were happy for an alternative
- I suppose there were too few "powerusers" who liked the timesaving features in Presto very much. And Opera's Mangement didn't care. They went for the money.
- I encounter this behaviour everywhere: People go for looks and shinyness, funny gadgets and stuff like that. Just look at all the people who open two seperat Windows-explorer-windows to copy folders with their mouse. I guess only 1% uses a "Norton Commander"- like prog that sports two panes like xplorerยฒ ( http://zabkat.com/x2lite.htm ). There is so much time to be saved in a day at office and few realize how it can be done.
ceboss last edited by
Well, I guess the popularity is related also with marketing. Google attached a question "do you want to download Chrome" when you are entering their side. So it might helped a lot. My father is using Chrome only because he had this notification during daily surfing. Opera side is not linked to social network or searching and maybe due to this it is not the most popular browser.
Deleted User last edited by
You can't explain why Chrome is the most used browser BUT you CAN tell us that lem doesn't know what he's talking about... is that the picture? LOL Uh... perhaps it is YOU who don't know what you're going on about. Has that simple fact ever occurred to you? You're not going to get skins and they are the least of anyone's concern anyway. Some of the key features will be returned but don't expect everything.You and ceboss seem to be doing little more than whining and casting aspersions on Opera as a company. You are aware, are you not, that Opera is a business trying to make money... right? And that they gave to all of us a FREE browser for many years (and continue to do so). If you don't like the new offering, use the OLD one OR go to a different browser but please stop your incessant whining. Extensions ARE the key to personalizing a browser and whether a few stuck in the 90's like it or not, extensions are here to stay. Your problem is going to be finding ANY browser that doesn't capitalize on extensions. Opera is fast becoming the best browser out of the gate, like it or not. I happen to love it.
Deleted User last edited by
Firefox and Chrome have a huge store of extensions, Safari and Internet Explorer has a small one. Why be against it?
Deleted User last edited by
Well I guess anybody who drove a Mercedes and changed to a Volkswagen without noticing it is still happy.
Deleted User last edited by
Silly analogy. That Mercedes was increasingly difficult to keep on the road let alone develop for it. And very few people wanted one (if you must make such a comparison). Time for the company to go with what "most" drivers want rather than a few non-paying customers.
colderwinters last edited by
If you like the Old Opera and absolutely hate the new Opera, try the New Chromium Blink based Slimjet Browser, the amount of options it has compared to chrome or the New Opera is impressive, you can even change the omnibar where you type in the URL's to any search engine you like without typing in any code letters or whatever, better toolbar options, A home button that you can set to any page you choose, full chrome theme extension support so you can actually change the colors of the toolbars with whatever themes the Chrome extension/theme site offers and tons more options besides that, this is information mainly for users of the obsolete old opera and not for people head over heels in love with the New Opera I waited patiently for Opera to offer more than the most basic of functionality, but someone else beat them to it.
Deleted User last edited by
Look... why are you here? If YOU don't like the new Opera, then go enjoy your Slimjet and be happy. But stop trying to stir up trouble here. You can be thankful I'm not a moderator or I would ban you outright. The forum exists to help users with issues with the browser...not whiners and malcontents.
colderwinters last edited by
Look... why are you here? If YOU don't like the new Opera, then go enjoy your Slimjet and be happy. But stop trying to stir up trouble here. You can be thankful I'm not a moderator or I would ban you outright. The forum exists to help users with issues with the browser...not whiners and malcontents.
Pleasant surprise meeting you here again Leushino, hope everything is going well
Deleted User last edited by
Indeed... a couple of herniated discs but acupuncture and walking along the ocean has kept me out of surgery. Getting ready for Hawaii in two weeks (Lord, willing). You know... I'm not your enemy. I just don't "get" guys using the forum to express frustration with Opera. If you have a suggestion, there is a Suggestion folder. Better yet, you'll get more audience if you enter the developers' blogs and make your voice known (respectfully of course). But here? To me this is supposed to help folks understand the new browser and find extensions and ways to adapt until such time as more familiar surroundings re-appear. My best.
Deleted User last edited by
Forgive me for not asking after you. I hope things are going well for you as well.
colderwinters last edited by
It's cool Leushino, things are going ok here for me, I got 4 days off work which is nice since I work 12 hour shifts and at 61 years of age I think i'm in pretty good health, probably maybe
Hope those discs get better, take care man
Deleted User last edited by
Thanks, I appreciate the good wishes. Glad to hear that things are going well for you. I guess I'm your senior by 7 years (just turned 68 a few weeks ago). Retired from 32 years teaching and then another 13 years working part-time in a bookstore which I LOVED, being a reader and loving to talk with people. I have time off now and since my wife is younger and still enjoys working, I find myself walking along the ocean quite a bit and dabbling in photography. I know I come across too strong in the forums and I'm trying to "cool my heels". I find myself feeling defensive for the company having used Opera since 1999. I'm looking forward to Opera 25 becoming stable and hopefully containging the complete bookmark manager many desire. Opera has always been an innovative company frequently coming up with features that others then adopt. I'm excited about what will eventually come about. My best.
Deleted User last edited by
opera 12 is the my NET HOME
opera 23 is very very simple in front of opera 12
please redevelop opera 12 hay OPERa Company please -
whisperingsigh last edited by
I've just found this thread because I was forced to upgrade Opera at work, where I was using it because Internet Explorer is crippled due to group policy restrictions and because I preferred it, due to the extra features it came with, such as being able to set the proxy, right click to show images, enable javascript on that one page - both of which are turned off on my work machine, and super customiseable on the about:config. I have used Opera for years, since it was a paid for application, because it was so different from all the others, light, nippy and I didn't have to search for a gazillion extensions to get all the features I wanted. I'm even using Opera Mail at home, and I've used the chat client when I needed to talk tech to someone I know on IRC and didn't want to contaminate my work machine with extra software.
No more. Why? Why did you break the only complete browser available? The Opera 24 now on my work machine is comprehensively broken, just like Internet Explorer, I can't set the proxy, because it tells me to talk to my system administrator as it's using the Internet Explorer settings (which is actually me, I can get at it if I log on as an admin, but it's a pain to switch users to do it). The only browser I've got now, which will obey me, is Firefox! Congratulations, your browser is now a clone of all the others, with less functionality.
No I'm not going to search around for extensions, I'm not going to introduce more risk on my work machine by installing third party applications, Opera at work, for me, sadly, is now in the past.
I can't believe this decision was made, I've defended my use of Opera to everyone, promoted it, and now I'm in mourning for a very beloved friend :(.
blackbird71 last edited by
... Why did you break the only complete browser available? The Opera 24 now on my work machine is comprehensively broken, just like Internet Explorer ... No I'm not going to search around for extensions, I'm not going to introduce more risk on my work machine by installing third party applications, ... I can't believe this decision was made, I've defended my use of Opera to everyone, promoted it, and now I'm in mourning for a very beloved friend .
The Opera desktop browser was redesigned with the idea of reducing development/maintenance costs to Opera ASA. Continuing with the old Presto Opera codebase was deemed too cumbersome, in terms of keeping it current with the multitude of changing Internet protocols and provisioning the browser interfaces for the new features constantly evolving on websites. By going to the Blink codebase, originally developed for Chrome/Chromium, much of the cost/effort for maintaining the core of the browser could be off-loaded to the Blink/chromium community, and Opera's developer efforts could be focused on developing the user interfaces and tweaking "performance" of the various browsers it makes.
With a decision to redesign also came the opportunity to direct the new design toward attracting a broader user-base in the marketplace by aiming the browser appearance and feature-set in a direction that would presumably appeal to the range of user tastes theorized for the new user-base. The "demographics" and supposed usage-modes of that broader base implied a minimalistic browser appearance with greatly consolidated features and controls, and with most detailed adjustments or features exported to 3rd-party "extensions". Only time and the marketplace will determine whether Opera's decision was a good one.
The downside of all this has had its greatest negative impact on users in the workplace/enterprise/technical environment, who had come to rely on the countless built-in configurability and flexibility aspects of Presto Opera for their workflow. Most of that suddenly evaporated, with only some of it being available via extensions, and even those operated in unfamiliar and often-inferior ways to the features included in the old Presto versions. They also place different hardware demands and interfacing/updating/security issues that can conflict in a workplace or technical environment.
For such users, and I'm one of them, the first recourse was to cling to the old Presto Opera versions. But those browsers are conceptually and functionally at least 2 years old (probably more, if one accounts for typical developer lead-time for incorporating improvements and needed updates); the Presto browsers are now showing their age in accelerating incompatibility ways. The next recourse of such users has been to find an alternative browser that allows that browser to be configured for use as similarly as possible to Presto Opera, and that quest has led many to Firefox plus a handful of extensions. Unfortunately, Firefox itself is evolving in a direction away from the workplace/technical user, and its current 'equivalence' to Presto Opera is only so-so. Hence much of the technical-user angst that has emerged in forum posts over the past year or two.
At the end of the day, things in the browser world are what they are. Users in the technical/workplace world are simply going to have to deal with it as it now is and adapt as best they can, while constantly remaining on lookout for signs that a browser brand somewhere has made a move to return to providing built-in configuability and rich feature-sets. Whether that will eventually be Opera or some other perhaps as-yet-unknown brand remains to be seen...
castoragile last edited by
It's now november 2014 and I still agree with you on each point, ladydeath.
This is a customer support site here, so it's also the place for functionnal and technical regression alerts !
Are the following features available in Opera 23 that are in the 12.17:
- content blocking
- Ability to view the "alt" tag when images fail to load
- Ability to get a menu bar back
- Changing look and feel to dialog based from browser based like Chrome
- use of proxy server separate from the Windows proxy
It seems like the 12 is better than the 23 since it has all the features I use.