Opera 106.0.4977.0 developer update
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@rick2 said in Opera 106.0.4977.0 developer update:
I'd like to try it myself, but since Developer won't let me import my data from Beta, it's hard to test.
Windows example:
In both "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software" and "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Opera Software", delete the "Opera Developer" folder if it's there. Then, right-click the "Opera Next" folder (it's for Opera Beta), choose "copy", right-click in a blank space and choose "paste" to paste a copy of the folder as "Opera Next - Copy". Then, right-click "Opera Next - Copy" and rename it to "Opera Developer".
Then, when you start Opera Developer, it'll have everything your Opera Beta does.
If you use Opera Sync though in Opera Beta, you probably shouldn't in Opera Developer in this case. So, before you start Opera Developer, delete the "Sync Data" folder in "Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Developer\Default".
When you install Opera Developer if you haven't already, click "options" in the installer and make sure not to have the installer set it as the default browser and make sure it doesn't import anything from the default browser.
rick2 last edited by rick2
@burnout426 I'm on Linux, sorry for omiting that in my post
But I already tried copying my Beta profile to the Developer folder with no success
Oddly, after I copy those files, starting Opera Develoer (either via it's desktop icon or running it from a terminal) it actually starts Beta with an empty profile.
This happened several times in the last couple of months. -
rick2 last edited by
@andrew84 said in Opera 106.0.4977.0 developer update:
*Btw, I didn't understand why you can't test it. I guess you can create many speed dial tabs and check.
I also only install Developer to test it and usually uninstall it afterwards, otherwise I have conflicts during an update. I'm on Fedora Linux, I use Stable installed via flatpak for work and Beta installed via Opera's yum/dnf repository.
When I install Developer via the repo, sometimes it complains that some files conflict with those from Beta.Also, since I usually delete my Developer profile, opening several dozen tabs gets tiresome after doing it several times a week
And it'd be nice to test Opera Developer with the same profile I use in Beta, which is heavily personalized, to get a better feel of how the update is goning to afect me.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@rick2 said in Opera 106.0.4977.0 developer update:
And it'd be nice to test Opera Developer with the same profile I use in Beta, which is heavily personalized, to get a better feel of how the update is goning to afect me.
Can't check on Linux at the moment, but in a terminal for example, you should be able to do something like:
opera-developer "--user-data-dir=~/.config/OperaNext"
(Adjust path to your Beta profile folder)
to have Opera Developer use the Beta profile folder.
You should be able to create a shortcut for that too if wanted.
karen-arzumanyan last edited by
Cursor issue still not resolved
Detail: https://forums.opera.com/topic/66351/opera-103-0-4928-0-developer-update/14
The problem also exists on version 106.0.4977.0 -
DereAmbiniMahligai last edited by
i found a bug. When i using search in bookmark to find a folder, it only show the folder without its content
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
Late in the afternoon (or beginning evening): Opera 106.0.4985.0 Developer.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
Big problem here!
After updating I was logged out of all my pages which needed a login (forums and so on), but a login was not possible anymore. My old cookies for these pages were either not recognized or deleted. And some of these pages didn't show any content anymore. They were completely empty. I could not reload the content. Maybe some extensions didn't work anymore, I didn't check this.
After copying the backup folder back (stand alone installation) everything worked like before.
So be careful! Don't forget to make a backup before testing!
W11x64, Operax64 (standalone installation) -