General Opera One Feedback Topic
NickyT last edited by leocg
@leocg said in That awful startup sound:
@kiny-ohara It should show up only after an update.
No, it should Never show up.
JD401 last edited by leocg
@leocg the "search descriptions" button on Ebay is not showing up. I was in the middle of listing items and took a break to update Opera, and all of a sudden the feature went missing. I turned off all ad blockers etc and nothing I can find will make it reappear. Odd, as I Assumed all my Opera settings would stay the same!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@forestworker90 The voice reader in Opera for Android that we were talking about?
FORESTWORKER90 last edited by
@leocg oh, you are only tagging me so I am not pick up which topic or point which are talking about?
FORESTWORKER90 last edited by
@leocg how should I open that? And android version? No, I am using currently android 12 and 13 and will be jumping to 14 by December. I have used TTS feature since kitkat (android 4). Never felt it was out of the android. It was inbuilt under accessibility for special privileged users.
FORESTWORKER90 last edited by leocg
@forestworker90 Another bug with youtube playback where if I have paused a video and went away to do another work on another tab or another browser or app or closed the laptop with flip down (not shut down) and returned back or opened my flip, the paused video automatically starts playing. This is a new bug seen recently in opera one versions and even in gx.
FORESTWORKER90 last edited by
(Feature Request) Can Opera bring this feature of using color shades as themes and different pictures for profiles like chrome, edge, brave and vivaldi has?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@forestworker90 Go to the Opera for Android section of the forum and click on the new topic button.
rocendroll last edited by rocendroll
Is the new opera one, launching every youtube video in every tab in the background, when launched in batch from collection of tabs in quick dial as a whole - when previously it was starting to play only when you went to that specific tab? Do you also have this?
FORESTWORKER90 last edited by
@rocendroll Nah. Simple option of not allowing autoplay and auto reload of youtube webpage every few mins.
canadagoose4everreturns last edited by
@nessss Why? I'm confused as to why you would bolt from Opera for Vivaldi. From what I could see on Vivaldi's site, there are plenty of issues so I'm just not getting it. Can you explain your exasperation?
A Former User last edited by
I wonder if any fedback here (and it was quite a lot) is going to have more then zero impact. I didnt notice any changes or bug fixes recently. Can anyone confirm that there was any changes or fixes so far?
A Former User last edited by
@canadagoose4everreturns Maybe he is sick of the Opera dev team that is not listening to users?