@gmiazga I manually downloaded version 102 (did not know about the bug) and it killed my profile .... good job!
I panicked and restored a backup from few days ago before checking the forums for a solution, so I am only about ten tabs behind.
I find this to be very unprofessional and uncool from the Opera team to leave the knowingly bad update on the site without any warnings. I am a developer myself, and my team had to pull out a broken build, so I understand the hard situation you are, but the solution you chose is arguably bad.
I am used to Opera for Android wiping out my state every 6-8 months, but this is the first time Opera for Desktop does it and it hurt a lot.
I have been using Opera for more than 20 years, and even the big Presto -> Blink change could not persuade me to abandon it. But the constant blasting sound on every update and now wasting my time with losing my data really made me starting evaluating other options on the market.