Lucid mode and picture-in-picture buttons leave a pixel thin trail line when playing YouTube videos
NototoHoshi last edited by
The buttons for lucid mode and picture-in-picture have this weird functionality, that they when you hover over a video those buttons have animation that makes them sort of "slide" from above the screen.
The problem is that even when those buttons are supposed to be invisible "above" the video window, they aren't. There is a super small (few pixels at most) misalignment which makes the trail of those buttons visible even before they slide down.
This in effect causes a pixel wide line on the screen - in normal mode, this line is above the video window, but when you switch to full screen, this line actually ends up inside the picture (see attached screenshots).
The line also changes color depending if lucid mode is active or not (its blue when lucid is active and greyish black when its not active).
Lastly - this seems to pretty much YouTube exclusive problem - I've checked other sites that have playable videos, and I haven't noticed the same issue anywhere else - so there's a possibility its actually a YouTube problem, not Opera problem.
Some technical info about my setup in case it might be useful for tracking this bug down:
OS: Windows 10
Browser: Opera 94.0.4606.38
Screen resolution: 4k
Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT (using AMD Software Adrenalin Edition drivers)
Don't have anything "weird" enabled (nothing like virtual resolution / GPU scaling etc.)Can provide more details if requested.
ibnSalul last edited by
@nototohoshi The thin blue line happenes also e.g. on Facebook, propably where ever there's a videoplayer window on page.
andrew84 last edited by
I can confirm it here on Win 8.1x64 on fullHd display. But here I see the bug only if I set page zoom to 110%.
stevep01 last edited by
@nototohoshi I first noticed it on Twitter so it's probably ubiquitous. Once you've noticed it it's quite distracting so I hope a fix comes soon.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@andrew84 Same here. I have to change the zoom to 110% (or sometimes 80%) to trigger the issue.
blondiesl last edited by leocg
@andrew84 I've been noticing this little blue line on Youbube videos and at first, thought Uh! oh! My Sony 4K TV LCD is breaking down. LOL
I analyzed the issue as related to Lucid mode.When I saw your post about 110%, I checked my zoom and sure enough, it was at 110%. I put it back to 100% and the line goes away.
Thanks for that tip. I don't have to worry about the TV anymore. LOL