Opera 89.0.4447.20 beta update
Opera Comments Bot last edited by
Hello, Today we’re updating Opera 89 beta with a new Chromium version, 103.0.5060.42. You’ll find some small graphical improvements in this build and here is full changelog. Installation links: Opera beta for Windows (By using the Opera beta for Windows installer, you accept the Opera for Computers EULA) Opera beta for macOS Opera beta for Linux – deb…
Read full blog post: Opera 89.0.4447.20 beta update
basementality last edited by
Problem with sync and passphrase. There is no field for entering a passphrase.
firuz-u7 last edited by
When you press the middle mouse button and start scrolling pages instead of smoothly scrolling the page, jerks start when scrolling the page
escruting last edited by
There is a problem happening to me. Opera wont open because it doesn't close the processes of the last session, so it thinks its still open and wont open at all until you manually kill the processes. Only happening if i'm logged into Opera Sync, i sign out and the problem dissapears. Filed bug report BS-36439
KeivMS last edited by leocg
Is anyone else experiencing an issue with speed dial page being blank?
Tried refreshing, nothing changes.
had to restart the browser a couple times. -