Opera 81 Stable
vomax007 last edited by
@drakostaarn It is useless to ask them about it. I already wrote to them about this many times, and not only me, always ignoring from the developers. Opera does not find this feature useful. The only browser where there is still no extension synchronization, despite the fact that it has been on the Chrome engine for several years.
FabriceN last edited by
which version is the stable one ?
since the last update ( 81.0.4196.31 / ubuntu 20.04 ) :-
many video are no longer playing ( e.g. twitter )
the "copy image" feature is no longer by reference when possible ( this also happened to firefox and chrome recently, so I guess it may come from a side library, at least on linux ). So I can no longer post, or even save as draft, my daily newsletter ( rich in web images ).
the ultra-annoying bug ( present in previous version ) that makes Opera window popup on mouse flyover is still there. With 2 windows, this can even leads to a war between the 2 windows.
FabriceN last edited by
" many video are no longer playing ( e.g. twitter ) "
- Including animGifs: e.g. https://twitter.com/i/status/1274579545870368768
- And facebook videos as well. e.g. https://www.facebook.com/groups/procgenart/posts/2510424025755078/
FabriceN last edited by
@avl : I'm not sure to understand : are you talking about the point 3, the windows popping on top of others ? if yes:
As my linux window manager is configured ( since forever ), windows come to front only on click, but still get the focus on flyover.
Opera is the first application ever to pop to front just when it happened to be on the mouse way. And this strange annoying behavior even turn pathological when 2 Opera windows are close to the mouse: then they alternatively pop in front at about 60Hz. -
PurpleT last edited by
I hate things that pop up without good reason. They get in the way and I found no real use for them. They offered no advantage time wise, certainly not enough to make a real difference.
Anything like that should have a nice little introduction and a nice simple way to disable them.
Having them as an option for those who like them is fine, but why make it complicated to disable something if we don't like it?
I came to Opera on mobile quite a while ago, and very recently on desktop, because of horrible design on my last preferred browser, yet straight away Opera have shown the same kind of disregard. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@fabricen Let's see:
You replied to avl saying:
@avl : I'm not sure to understand : are you talking about the point 3, the windows popping on top of others ? i
Then I replied answering:
The question was about the fast tab tooltip, that appears when you hover the mouse on a tab.
FabriceN last edited by
@hwpc48 ubuntu here, maybe that's the reason.
Anyway about opera windows raising on top of others when it shouldn't, apparently the very annoying bug is still there in the 83.0.4239.0https://forums.opera.com/topic/51465/opera-moves-on-top-of-all-other-windows/14
jakub-oe last edited by
Could you, please, implement vertical tabs? Even Microsoft Edge has them now and more and more people use ultrawide displays nowadays...
Thanks! -
qrcze112 last edited by
@avl: I can say what annoys me there
It's kind of pointless, it's not really helping much besides some very extremely rare cases where you have so much mess in the tabs that they're all over the place.
But it's a bit redundant, there's already a duplicate page highlight feature (which is very nice btw) and page preview which would be enough to tell you what you need.
Also in general I don't have a problem recognising the domain from the favicon, so a non-issue for me.
On top of that the way it highlights the pages when you hover on them there is way too subtle, if it at least did the visuals like the duplicate page thing with a blue underline it'd be better i think.Basically, it's just an additional clutter that covers your screen with not much value and doesn't seem to be very useful.
Just to note, it's cool you guys keep experimenting and don't just stagnate. I feel like opera has always been pioneers in this kind of stuff, even if it's sometimes a hit or miss.
Also p.s. the page preview is broken, some pages cause complete hang up, i posted about this issue on bugs report long time ago; no response.
giacomorutili last edited by
@jakub-oe: i really don't understand vertical tabs. The first row of the browser is always visible because the windows command button (_ []
so it can be used, as always, for tabs