White screen 'flashbang' when opening pages
jenabaivab last edited by
@gchavez i have completely given up on this problems and devs in general. If it's really a chromium issue, how is it that other browsers don't have this problem?
I switched to edge months ago, and let me tell you it's far better. No annoying major bugs, instant response to complaints. This issue has been open for so long, no response from devs yet and no fixes. What else is there to do? -
andrew84 last edited by
@jenabaivab all browsers (on chromium) have this. But each browser can have different workarounds for that.
jenabaivab last edited by
@andrew84 I have tested Chrome, Edge, and Vivaldi. Even if chromium has this problem, every single chromium browser has managed to fix it for their respective audience, except Opera. Now I hear they don't even read the forums. No wonder nothing gets fixed.
mppfiles last edited by leocg
I have the very same problem, Opera 77.0.4054.146 on Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.1. Dark Reader extension.
In my case, the problem is easy to reproduce: just typeabout:blank
and Bam, white flash. The same thing happens withabout:gpu
, but that's another story.
Please notice thatabout:blank
is pretty common in web browsing, some websites trigger them in anchors withtarget:"_blank"
or with pure javascript (window.open
). The second method seems not to be affected with the bug.
I can reproduce the issue with a simple html file containing something like:<a href="https://google.com" target="_blank">Open site in another tab (target attr)</a><br>
Hope this helps anyone!
mppfiles last edited by mppfiles
I just filled a bug report with this info, hopefully it will be helpful to opera devs... I will share any update on the subject. Hope it's fixed soon!
mppfiles last edited by
"Your request status has changed to Done with resolution Known Error."
Truly unbelievable. -
jenabaivab last edited by
@mppfiles Truly expected at this point. No wonder so many people jumped ship to Vivaldi.
st4zik last edited by
@st4zik said in White screen 'flashbang' when opening pages:
I recommend you guys another browser.
Take a look at Vivaldi. It doesn't have white flash screens.
squeakyaqueduct last edited by
@st4zik I propose the flashbang feature be expanded so each occurrence is random sequence of 0-3 flashbangs with random millisecond durations. This will better satisfy the uptight policy-driven 9-5 devs' conforming around cubicles and whiteboards saturated in bright white overhead light by properly punishing anyone using a pc in a darkened room. Subversive witchcraft must not be tolerated. Moreover, why squander such a perfect opportunity? While I am blind conscious only of white noise send over some agents to knock me aside and deprive me of ill-deserved privacy and ill-begotten property.
CeruleanSpy last edited by
I understand the white flash can happen in a variety of situations. But for me, the worst and most frequent is when I click a link that automatically opens in a new tab. The new tab almost always starts white before going dark.
The Force Background Tab Chrome extension solved that situation for me. With this extension, a new tab opens, but Opera doesn't immediately switch to it. I have to click over to it, and by the time I do that, the tab has started rendering in dark mode. The white flash has presumably happened, but I never had to see it.
So for me, Dark Reader + Force Background Tab = much happier eyes.
CeruleanSpy last edited by
@iamamemer Hey, I'm so glad I was able to help! Thanks to you and others for the lengthy discussion on this topic. That really helped me understand what had been tried already so I didn't duplicate other attempts. I won't pretend that the Force Background Tab extension solves every situation, but having run it all day now, it definitely makes things a whole lot better for me.
Thanks for following up!
ministry last edited by ministry
Hi everybody,
After a lot of digging, I have found a solution that works for me:
1.- Go to opera://flags/ and turn on 'Force Dark Mode for Web Contents' to Enabled
This fixes most of the issue (e.g. about:blank becomes dark and most of the flashbangs disappear). In my case, there is still some brief white screen (of shorter duration than the default and much less annoying).
PS: If someone wants to keep digging for a complete 100% solution, this might be a good path to go down to and experiment with:
2.- Installing the Stylus extension and following the steps of this stackexchange answer, which in short are:
a.- Click on the styles icon > Manage > 'Write new style'
b.- paste something like this (won't solve the issue, just an example):@-moz-document url-prefix(about:blank) {*{background-color:#000000;}}
c.- click on 'overwrite style'
d.- give it a name on the upper left > save
e.- restart the browser just in casePlease report back if you do find the ultimate solution, otherwise I'll be switching over to FF for my late night browsing (which is a pity cause it loads sites slower than opera)
Solomag last edited by Solomag
@st4zik Its not working for such sites as https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions