Opera 74 Stable
kened Banned last edited by
Are there any prospects for adding vertical tabs in Opera? This would be very useful.
piomiq last edited by
Is there any plan to extend amount of Workspaces?
Please notice this is limited to 5 only, whereas users can have more topics than 5 where would like to open tabs per category.
Would be nice to have possibility to add more Workspaces. -
A Former User last edited by
@kened If you are sort of unique clairvoyant able to see over horizon, yes. There are large if not endless prospects for all options. Not vertical tabs only.
Otherwise stop dreaming.
modemjunkie last edited by
On the current and recent Stable builds I am no longer able to share a YouTube by clicking on the share button or arrow under the YouTube. When I do click it, the screen dims, almost to black. Another click and it reverts to normal. The only way I can share is to use sharing app or to copy and paste the URL. Running Windows 7.
Any suggestions?
A Former User last edited by
@leocg: thank you for replying. i did also see some references to ARM in the patch notes for some releases. for now brave is running a whole lot better on the m1, but i'm looking forward to moving back to opera when there is a native ARM version
7thgear last edited by
Addition to my post above:
... and Twitter.
For example : When you do a Area around a Tweet or a Button, every Element, the left and right selection is not correctly.
A Former User last edited by
I hope that Opera will update Chromium engine to 88.0.4324.150 soon as there are some 0-day vulnerabilities...
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@kened As far as I see it is Opera users and this forum attendees which "keep gaining gray hair" rather as years go by and some bugs "keep growing long beards". Generally, nothing's going younger here, alas.
What hope d'you mean? It's only one here - let's sit around in Net and sing kumbaya!
A Former User last edited by
Easy Files works for gmail and Polish o2.pl in Win10. o2.pl and Yandex.Mail in Debian GNU/Linux do not experience that happiness. Is this correct - Easy Files work in Windows only - and why?
unrealmirakulix last edited by
Finally, Chromecast works
Thanks a lot and the menu is also in dark mode like my Opera all around
kened Banned last edited by
@pavelopdev: When the Opera team realizes that Vivaldi is approaching, they will change their way of dealing with users.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg We know as well, that Vivaldi is for now a Desktop beast mainly, but Opera's dozen ramifications penetrate smartphone world swamps. There are no sensible/sizable teams which might use their times for every Opera type, as well. So the development goes small steps once in a week ("if weather allows" - sarcasm), plumbing/patching the f***/pathetic holes/bugs as soon as possible and leaving for real development in strides too less time.
I have no illusions and high hopes now. The most salient issues are not being resolved (e.g. Snapshot Left Shift) due to lack of manpower (pardon Ladies - due to human powers). So the much needed, other issues, e.g. aesthetic trifles have even worse future - the Opera's lofty priorities are the Kings in Opera dev premises nowadays, alas.
Anyway, I see very good features being implemented from time to time. That's why I love Opera and see no competition for it yet.
The bad side of the coin is that sooner or later the Opera Desktop management will probably face a wall of short resources and effects of shortsightedness - a sad fact to us, if they have happened, especially for the diehard desktop users.
I do not want to elaborate on the infamous lack of real feedback from Opera, which is tantamount to recklessness - to put it in few short words.
Hope? Has it any valid meaning against such bad looking background?
Have nice nights and days users.
adam1709 last edited by
Annoying bug or problem for me, this is when I enter a different context after rebooting and unfortunately does not remember the last active tab in this context. He only remembers one thing, including the one he opens first.
shintoplasm01 last edited by
@pavelopdev I agree with your sentiment, which is why I still hang onto Opera (just about). I also see a problem with the opaqueness of Opera's current owners, who are no longer in touch with us normal browser users. Far more important to spend resources on gaming companies and money-lending apps, while the browsers are just there for the brand name recognition. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is jettisoned once they realise there's not much money to be leveraged out of the browser business anymore.