mrmajel007 last edited by leocg
Do Not Install This Addon!!!!!!
Is trying to install some mess on my computer.
Log from Antivirus Kaspersky: !!!! Name of the object: not-a-virus:HEUR:AdWare.Script.WonderWaffle.gen !!!!*Obv8Lo8_0 ``` Etc. After deleting the add-on, Kaspersky stopped reporting blocking website.
sailormax last edited by
@mrmajel007 Read report of Kaspersky more carefully, please. It is not trying to install anything on your computer. It just make some requests without any harm.
But you can turn it off in the settings "Use background process".thank you.
A Former User last edited by
no me gusta me gustaría que funcionara como en chrome y yo que uso opera
mrmajel007 last edited by
@sailormax: I don't think it only some request. And yes, nothing happened. BUT because Kaspersky closed the session.
Does not sound harmless -,- in fact, if I could get it on my computer through cookies it can make a mess.Why this add-on make requests about such dubious sites? He didn't do it before Christmas 2019.
It took me a while to find out what was trying to try access 20 times on similar sites every day. And it was annoying.
ok, I'll try your advice, but even so, this background behavior is doubtful.
"But you can turn it off in the settings "Use background process"." -
mrmajel007 last edited by
@sailormax: But of course otherwise it's probably the best translator for both opera and chrome. I've been using it for 3-4 years. Good work. Perhaps this problem will also be resolved and I can continue to use it.
A Former User last edited by
The best browser translator extension I've tried in my entire life! Thank you very much for your work!
sevep last edited by
Наконец-то нашёл какая падла у меня всё время пыталась открыть вредоносный сайт, касперский устал блокировать адреса (причем они все разные). Жаль, хорошее расширение было.
sailormax last edited by
@sevep К сожалению время от времени пока попадаются странички, на которые в данном случае почём зря (поскольку с них ничего не выполняется) жалуются некоторые антивирусники. Для пользователей, которые оказались в такой ситуации в настройках есть выключатель: "Использовать фоновый процесс". Попробуйте его выключить. Это должно помочь.
serikz last edited by
@sailormax Я выделаю слово\текст, нажимаю ПКМ... а в предложенном меню, нет ничего от этого расширения...
вот скриншот
vasyag19 last edited by
Когда расширение включено мой KIS 2020 постоянно блокирует вредоносные ссылки, но стоит Translator отключить все приходит в норму, удалите вредоносный скрипт из расширения.
vasyag19 last edited by
Убрать галочку «Использовать фоновый процесс», KIS 2020 пока молит, посмотрим как будет дальше.
Спасибо. -
MetalOmega last edited by
É muito prático, mas lendo os comentários parece que há algum problema de acesso intrusivo às informações, acesso a porta 80, deixando aberto para algum tipo de invasão. Quem usa antivírus diz que detecta ações suspeitas. Como eu não tenho antivírus não sei o quão seguro é usar essa extensão. Portanto, leia antes de instalar e pesquise, eu não sei o quão verídico são essas informações.
It is very practical, but reading the comments it seems that there is a problem of intrusive access to information, access to port 80, leaving it open for some type of invasion. Antivirus users say they detect suspicious actions. As I don't have antivirus I don't know how safe it is to use this extension. So, read before installing and search,
I don't know how true this information is. -
nachoxx1 last edited by
Al instalar esta extensión después de unos meses el anti-virus me detectaba todos los días diversos tipos de adwares.
Después de desintalarlo no han vuelto ha aparecer