Forums upgraded to NodeBB 1.7.2
zalex108 last edited by
Nice update.
Thanks!"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". Ā· Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
tree1891 last edited by tree1891
Text is still not clear.
Please change odd font size(15, 17px) to even(16, 18px). -
jackob11 last edited by
@amatczak I use Opera Mini.
Previously I can do like or dislike any post & can reply in this forum. Afrer this Forum update literally Opera Mini can do nothing except just reading posts. So, Please bring back Opera Mini friendly Forum system. And do update this forum once again. -
A Former User last edited by
I just edited a comment of mine, and after hitting ">", the comment appeared as it was before the editing. Is it normal? Windows XP Opera 36.
Check it out, guys, if it's the same with you... -
A Former User last edited by
About the notifications.
I got some bunch of emails from last time, a month ago. Now seeking for email notifications settings and their improvement.First I have to notice the checkboxes seem vague when unchecked - grey on grey. More contrast, please?
Then, about those notifications.
What about considering to have certain differentiation regarding whether I follow the guy or not. I don't like having an e-mail message on every single comment, but, for example, if a guy I follow starts a thread...
Or what about having a sort of frequency filter, or (and) packing certain bunches of close messages (notifications on comments in the same thread) into one email? Just thinking...
Well, it is good to have some reminders of good comments in my mail-box, and I can clear those not so important etc., but what if I'm active on these forums very much on a certain day, then I've got several pages of mail to clean? Not so convenient. I mean I'd appreciate some filtering.
On the other hand, it might be easier to check this site if these notifications here work correctly, with e-mail notifications turned off. I mean I might check my mail not so often, etc. However...
Anyway, I would be careful about having this balance and not overdoing things here.And, besides, it's my first time after a month and I should see how it's going as it is first.
amatczak Opera last edited by
@jackob11 actually you couldnāt. The functionality you are missing now relied on JavaScript and did not work in Opera Mini anyway since Opera Mini (in Extreme data saving mode only!) disables JS on these forums. We have just hidden UI elements that did not work anyway.
Opera Mini in Extreme data saving mode receives minimum functional version of Forums (reading/writing is possible) - sadly we canāt provide more feature rich version due to Opera Mini limitations.
Solution: switch to less aggressive data saving mode in your Opera Mini and reload forums - you should see all features enabled and functional.
zalex108 last edited by
Extreme data saving
One column view
Sites lists would be the best solution.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". Ā· Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
zalex108 last edited by zalex108
The Emoji picker is much better but the old icons are nicer - IMHO -.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". Ā· Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
Zalex, there is this old thread of mine:
Moderators, Amatczak, what about reopening that thread? -
zalex108 last edited by zalex108
They growed!
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". Ā· Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
Too many and unnecessary, by me.
I used to enjoy that compact and conveniently small set of emoticons on Facebook, here it was too.
Smilie should represent emotion. I do not need two thousand bad picassos; I want a score of necessary faces and gestures, then if I need extra, I get an 'outsource'. -
zalex108 last edited by
They have been in the washing machine!
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". Ā· Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
Size where? In the panel with this humongous list of smilies?
For one, I couldn't see any other size problem here. And I just cleared my cache as a regular habit, and everything seems to look the same...For the smilies list itself, I'd personally prefer if they were smaller there.
And what about reordering them there so that the most basic ones come first? Or like having a much-much smaller, custom set to appear somehow?
I used to frequent on a site where the smilies get ordered by their recent use: like I used some last - and it pops out first in the list, then the next used pops first while that last one gets second, and so on; except there were some glitches, or the "recent" list was limited. Anyway it worked... -
amatczak Opera last edited by
@joshl I meant size of emoji rendered in the post. On my phone they rendered too big until I cleared browser cache (and I assume thatās the same issue @zalex108 was talking about).
As for the rest of your comments - perhaps NodeBB could add something like ārecentā tab in the emoji picker that would behave as you have described, but currently thereās no possibility to implement this on Opera forums since we use whatever NodeBB is providing for emojis.
zalex108 last edited by
Now I see the Emojis at the small/original size and I remember that I've cleaned the cache before - despite didn't know about the bug -."You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". Ā· Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi