New Opera Forums launched
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Could you edit the From header in notification emails?
Currently it's:
If you make it:
From: Opera Forums <>
it'll then say "Opera Forums" in the message list in your client like the old forums.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Notification emails have a giant pic at the top that takes up a lot of vertical space before you even get to the text. It's often necessary to scroll just to see the text (depending on resolution and client layout of course).
Vivaldi forums have this issue now too. But, it's only recent there (probably due to an upgrade of the plugin or something). Before, the message was much simpler with text at the top with a white background (it was still a text/plain + text/html multipart/alternative message).
Something that could be tweaked when possible.
amatczak Opera last edited by
@burnout426 Yes, we're aware of that - redesigned email templates were only introduced less than a week before the roll-out, with 1.6.0 upgrade of NodeBB, and we simply didn't have time to style the email template like we'd like. It's on our todo list already. Be sure that after we're done it will look much better (the giant pic on top is a bit of an eyesore indeed
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
In Thunderbird, I'm subscribed to the "Opera for Windows", "Opera for Linux" and the "Opera for Mac" feeds. I have them in an RSS folder named "_Opera". Also in that _Opera folder, I have a saved searched named "M2 Forum".
The saved search is set to search in those 3 feeds. It has a search criteria rule set to "match any of the following". I then have these rules:
If subject contains mail If subject contains m2 If subject contains accounts.ini If subject contains message If subject contains label If body contains accounts.ini
I then add/remove rules as needed if I get false positives or if I find something that it missed where the rule won't create false positives.
I used to have just one rule that was:
If subject contains Opera Mail -
, but I was missing too many threads because few put "Opera Mail -" in the thread subject.
Anyway, just reporting that this setup still works (after I updated the feed URLs for the new forum) and still catches most Opera Mail threads
amatczak Opera last edited by
@amatczak said in New Opera Forums launching soon!:
@burnout426 I'll add this to our backlog.
Let's test this.
ocirnes last edited by ocirnes
The favicon of this forum is very pixelated in contrast to the desktop team blog e.g.:
amatczak Opera last edited by
OK, I know what's going on. NodeBB (our new engine) has a feature that dynamically updates favicon to include number of your unread notifications (which is pretty cool
) - unfortunately this means that they take our favicon and recompress it as 16x16 pixels which degrades quality.
I can create an issue in their bug tracker, but I am afraid it might be for performance reasons and they might not be willing to change current behaviour.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Just one point/suggestion.
I assumed that the new "Archive" section of the forum would include posts relating to Presto versions of Opera and Opera Mail, as it says it's for "Discussions about discontinued products".
This does not seem to be the case as there is no subsection for them.
This would be a good idea I think, to keep the discussions about current versions less cluttered and put all the legacy software discussions in one place.
OK, that might be seen as a bit of a ghetto, but I think it should now be considered.
Cheers, Dave.
PS The emoticons list is still ridiculous!
amatczak Opera last edited by
@davehawley Yeah, we considered this briefly when beta testing this forums. But we wanted to focus on transferring 1:1 what was on the old forums. Now when this is done we can think about next steps.
Not sure if "Archive" would be the best place, since we want it to be, by definition, read-only and opening some, but not all, subcategories for writing could be confusing... Still, maybe adding a separate "Legacy products" category with "Opera Presto" and "Opera Mail" subcategories would not be a bad idea. We'll discuss and think about it.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@amatczak Tested. The From header has "Forums Opera" in it now. It should be "Opera Forums" (for U.S. English at least).
ocirnes last edited by
Why is the default setting "Watching" for the whole forum ? That means I get notifications for all categories I never subscribed. The standard setting should be "Ignoring" imo.