çok teşekkür ediyorum size googlede görmüştüm yazılarımı tıkladım site kapatıldı yeri cıktı. maus ile gezerken alltaki ikinci link ön bellek cıktı
hic bilmyiordum o kısmı .teşekkürler ...
Also include the option to import from other browsers, coming from FF I had to install v12 to get my bookmarks in there. Seems a little backward to me.
EDIT (well, tried to edit, it didn't work): Sorry, it does already do this. But, yes support for the bookmarks API would put them into the bookmarks bar.
We had this discussion over at the Opera Desktop Team blog already.
I was on your side back then, however, they said, pictures are files after all. So it would be inconsistent not to treat them as a regular download...
Concerning your default folder for pictures problem: Download Control can solve it 🙂
c'est votre droit de fermer votre portail de messagerie myopera mail qui heberge nos courriers eletroniques. Mais pour nous permettre d'entrer en posesion de nos courriers , vous voudrez bien me faire suivre tous mes courriers à cette adresse codelvina@gmail.com dans un bref delais.
... or it's a mockery ('internal joke' in Opera's Petit Larousse) but believe it or not this amical game is a mockery too as a marketing strategy. Really, how many ex-loyal users may think that Vivaldi Tech (with 'our man' on top they say) are in opposite side vis-a-vis Opera ASA (chrome guys of course)? I answer: too many and so it should.