Vorsicht Trojaner.
Posts made by oszkar666
- Opera add-ons
RE: Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the SidepaneleOpera for Windows
@leocg Know i make another Test and when i use Dark Mode https://addons.opera.com/de/extensions/details/dark-mode/ on the VK Home page the Sidebar gets Dark but it don't work at Telegram in the Sidebar, you can make the HP from Telegram Dark but not the Sidebar.
RE: Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the SidepaneleOpera for Windows
@leocg The desktop version is Cool you can make every color you want i like it. Know i have Dark Mode.
- Opera for Windows
- Opera for Windows
RE: Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the SidepaneleOpera for Windows
@andrew84 "You may need to click 'reload' button on the expanded panel to get the dark theme." I don't have reload button.![Bild Text]( Bild Link)
RE: Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the SidepaneleOpera for Windows
@andrew84 I teste it whit Dark Reader and Dark Mode it work on web.telegram.org but not in the Sidebar.
"I also saw an extension (Translator) for the sidebar that reacts on dark theme in Opera." Can you tell my the Name of the extension? -
RE: Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the SidepaneleOpera for Windows
@leocg When you use the Sidepanele Telegram its only send you to web.telegram.org and they say to my teer is no update for web.telegram.org and a implementation of a dark theme. I ask the free Support and they tell my wehen i want a dark theme i must use the Desktop Version of Telegram.
RE: Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the SidepaneleOpera for Windows
@oszkar666 Thanks i ask them and ther is no Update i must use the Desktop Version.
My question can by closed. Thanks - Opera for Windows
Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the SidepaneleOpera for Windows
Is a Dark Mode for Teleram, VK in the Sidepanele coming?
RE: Druck VorschauDeutsch
@zypperdup Ja darn kann es liegen ich habe Windows 10 bei 59 war es rechts bei 60 links.
- Deutsch
Druck VorschauDeutsch
Guten Tag
Wenn jemand von Opera da ist können sie mir sagen warum bei der Druck Vorschau seit der 60 Version die Bedienelemente jetzt Links sind und die Bestätigung Links Oben ist?
Was macht das für einen Sinn wenn 80~85% der Welt Bevölkerung Rechtshänder sind können sie das wieder rückgängig machen oder eine Option Programmieren das man die Freie Wahl hat.Danke