The framework does have its how page handler yes, the file main file its called is index.php this file then checks for other files what are needed and will return the right error for the right sections, this is the only browser I had the problem with so, unless someone shows me there is a error in my ways what I can't see as this is taken from php's website
The header string.
There are two special-case header calls. The first is a header that starts with the string "HTTP/" (case is not significant), which will be used to figure out the HTTP status code to send. For example, if you have configured Apache to use a PHP script to handle requests for missing files (using the ErrorDocument directive), you may want to make sure that your script generates the proper status code.
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
I can't see how I would be going wrong, every other browser renders it right from Apple,google, firefox and MS and all the 3ed party ones and mobile ones.
And yes I understand what you saying and I thought it was my code first I didn't jump the gun and blamed the browser but after trial and error my code does not look to be the fault here.
After all other means of testing I am left to bring it down to the browser and windows something here does not play well, thought its not a really big problem as its only shows a white page rather then the 404 but this to me is strange, is there a way to see what headers and other options are sent to the browser from the site to see what has been passed on?