Introducing Opera 102
Celticperson last edited by
@opera-comments-bot Just a pity that the v.`102 update wipes all bookmarks and previous stored speed tabs.
I removed V102 via my control panel, being carefull to retain all data. Then reinstalled V101 and everything worked. -
HoneyBadger56 last edited by
@burnout426 I'm not that computer savy, and I would need someone to either walk me through it step by step, or just do it for me. I am tempted to dump Opera and go back to Firefox.
HoneyBadger56 last edited by
@younes-csm How did you do it? Could you walk me through it? I'm not computer savvy, and it totally screwed me up.
Manx56 last edited by
@opera-comments-bot OK that's great! Proud of you! Now where are my bookmarks and my speed dial?
I don't have the necessary skills to reset my bowser to the older version as outlined in posts here, so what do I do? Where's my stuff??? -
Bigone201 last edited by leocg
It's a real f....ed up cluster f.... you did with this update. First the browser autoupdated yesterday and I lost everything. Then I did the system restore in windows to get all the data back. Then I read here that you stoped autoupdate until you find a solution. And today when I started my computer Opera was again autoupdated to version 102.
For f.... sake stop the damn autoupdate if you f...ed up during testing of this update.
Now I copied, as suggested, all the content in local and Roaming from main folder into Default subfolders and I got the browser back is it was. Now I have two sets of files taking place on my hard drive and I'm not sure if I can now safely delete all the files in the main folders since I copied everything into Default subfolders.
I demand the option to have autoupdate disabled and the system just informs you that you can install update if you chose to do it. That way I can at least first check the forums here if you managed to f..... it again.
Jesus ... first you bring this piece of crap Opera One out that I had no choice not to get it, then I have to listen to that annoying sound and video everything the browser updates and now you managed to break all the data with an update. Does anyone actualy does any proper testing before releasing updates???
keikpek last edited by leocg
Why did you delete all my settings, passwords, history, bookmarks opera. Why do you always need to remove your shortcut when you auto update even when i ask you to not auto update. Why do you need to change your UI desing when i've almost gotten used to the old new one.
genegold last edited by
My bug report message two days ago was to ask that they withdraw the update until fixed. Seems like the right thing to do, rather than leave some users at risk.
hectormaciasa1979 last edited by
@gmiazga: I use Opera in three different computers, Laptop, Work and Home and it happened in all of them. The same exact problem.
Also I hope you take this opportunity to finally fix the old problem in your installer, I get the offline installer and many times it starts downloading I don't know WTF is it downloading and ends up in error after I force close it, than run again.
I've reported this for years, has happened since at least 2016 or 2015. Windows 10 and 11.
HoneyBadger56 last edited by
@spike666 Besides, the point is, that after an update I should not have to do it.
xb70 last edited by
All data includes extensions. Go back to 101....58 after uninstalling 102....16 "Opera One," or attempt the "manual data transfer," described above. I will wait for a version without problems. Opera's QC is poor. Fair warning.
HoneyBadger56 last edited by
@xb70 I moved back to Firefox, as of this morning. I miss some features, but for now it'll do.
Bitul83 last edited by
@sklunk Thanks a lot, After auto update to version 102 all of my speed dials, browsing history, and passwords are gone. It also logs out from all the previous sites to which I have a login, but with your method, I can restore my previous settings. Thanks again to you. Is there any way to stop opera automatic updates?
Celticperson last edited by Celticperson
Having rolled back to V101 yesterday and speed tabs and book marks restored (RESULT!) Auto update took me back to V102 overnight and sigh - no bookmarks and totally auto generated ( and useless ) speed tabs.
Uninstalled V102 again - being careful not to select the uninstall Opera data tick box. and reinstalled V101 again and everything works.
Wondering if Opera will fix this shambles, or if this will become a daily ritual, or my patience will snap and I will follow the growing trend and switch to FireFox?
Any chance of a helpful comment from anybody on the Opera team around this ongoing Farrago with V.102 ??
Celticperson last edited by Celticperson
Download opera 101 link here Download Opera 101 from Remember to virus check the downloaded software .
On Windows: Go to control panel - programmes and features - select and uninstall Opera, - being careful not to select the uninstall Opera data tick box.
Once this process is complete.
Run the V101 download link that you downloaded earlier and all data should be restored!
Celticperson last edited by
@celticcross That was lucky; I'm still in hack had to reset again this morning and sadly, very sadly unless the Opera team come up with a solution (or suspend the auto update) thinking of Firefox
A Former User last edited by
@celticperson Updates on Linux and Mac were flawless. On Windows I just installed the new version over 101. No problems either.
Firefox to me looks like riding a dying horse. If were to leave Opera behind, I‘d take Brave or Edge, or even Vivaldi to retain that old Opera feeling, I suppose.
Bigone201 last edited by
Oh for f***k sake, stop the autoupdate until you fix this mess. For two days now I have to uninstall 102 version, install 101 version and over the night it gets autoupdated and I'm again without everything. And then repeat the process until autoupdate destroys everything again.
Total incompetence. I get that some bug managed to avoid testing, but you know about the problem for over two days now and autoupdate still updates to this broken update every single day.
Just stop autoupdate, think and test the solution and then roll out a new fixed version.