New page always comes up with Google in searchbar
cyranose 0 last edited by
I personally avoid using Google, and have selected Duckduckgo as my default search engine in the settings, BUT whenever I open a new tab Google comes up as the default browser. I would like to change my settings so that some OTHER browser comes up on new tabs/pages.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@cyranose-0 The search engine shown in the Speed Dial page is Google, yes. You can't change it, but you can hide that search field in Settings.
DarthGTB last edited by
@cyranose-0 using the address bar will use your default search engine. the one on Speed Dial is probably sponsored and will never be able to change. It's other search engines depending on country too.
Best you can do is hide the search bar on Speed Dial and use the address bar.
cyranose 0 last edited by
@darthgtb And thanks to you as well for the explanation. It certainly wasn't hard to implement.