Opera 97.0.4718.0 developer update
koimark last edited by
@ralf-brinkmann: @ralf-brinkmann: Thanks. I can reproduce that something weird is happening. Really annoying bug. Interesting to see when it fill be fixed would be nice to know why the fix seems take so long.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. ...
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
This "minor priority bug" is still present in the actual beta version from today (Opera_beta_97.0.4719.4_Setup_x64.exe). -
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
The question is, if I will be present until it's fixed. For me this is not a "minor priority bug", it's essential. -
koimark last edited by
@ralf-brinkmann: No so crucial to me but I understand that this is very annoying when you have a lot of tabs and you can memorize where the right one is. (At least for me - I hate tab scrolling so tabs are just narrow icons) - I tried to start use workspaces but they just dont't feel right. Missing good old tab stacks. Also I think fix for this kind of bug should be quite trivial when it works correctly with lesser amount of tabs. I hope fix comes soon. (I have couple of times during the years testing to switch to Vivaldi but always came back.)
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. ...
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
@beboss, some important informations:
Which version (32 / 64 bit)?
Which OS and version?
How many tabs open?
Is hardware acceleration enabled or disabled?
Any special opera:flags changed from standard settings? -
sopronman1965 last edited by
@leocg Still the same shit. "Tab swapping bug" is still here. I dont need new and newer versions, I need one without this bug. And Opera 95. is the last one without this bug. Polish girls please repair this bug!!