"wallet number copied and secured" what does this mean?
DarknessTheUnfunnyGuy last edited by
I was doing something and copied numbers and pasted numbers but when i did it said "wallet number copied and secured" what does this mean?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@darknesstheunfunnyguy Opera recognized that one of the numbers was supposed to belong to a cryptocurrency wallet and added it to its saved data as such. I can't say (because I don't know) what sort of security is involved.
DarknessTheUnfunnyGuy last edited by
@sgunhouse so this doesn't matter because I don't use crypto wallet?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@darknesstheunfunnyguy You will need to provide more info. Copied from where to where?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@darknesstheunfunnyguy Maybe it was from Twitch? Where did you see that message?