bookmarks are added to the bottom of the list
kotthecat last edited by
Opera saves the site bookmark at the bottom of the bookmarks list, although it should be at the top like it did before. -
nadao last edited by
Re: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the list
Yes, they should
I have about 10k bookmarks (really)since :
87.0.4390.25 – 2022-05-17 -> DNA-99391 Add bookmarks at the bottom of a bookmarks bar folderthey added this, but this should be for bookmarks bar folder only and not all other folders
I have many folders, now after some time each page I bookmark is added to bottom instead of top
finding and managing bookmarks is so hard with this conflictsplease change fix for other folders or let the use choose
UN0W3N last edited by
I am also dismayed by this new "feature".
Please allow users to choose at least. I would obviously prefer that my new bookmarks get saved at the top of a list, as they already were for as long as I can remember it on your browser.My thanks in advance!
lerinjo last edited by
This is pathetic, it just lost logical essence. I don't want to scroll all day long to find latest bookmarks.
kotthecat last edited by leocg
@nadao said in bookmarks are added to the bottom of the list:
Re: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the list
Yes, they should
I have about 10k bookmarks (really)since :
87.0.4390.25 – 2022-05-17 -> DNA-99391 Add bookmarks at the bottom of a bookmarks bar folderAnd the reason is...? Why???
Did somebody ask for that? I do not think so. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, man!
Please let us choose like "show newest first" or "show oldest first" or "show in alphabetical order".
The latter already exists, but you guys better do not touch it, otherwise there is no way back. -
kotthecat last edited by
@leocg said in bookmarks are added to the bottom of the list:
@kotthecat Yes, people were asking for it.
10 of millions? Ok, makes sense.
If you have hundreds of sites saved as bookmarks, well... Good luck on scrolling.
I do not get it. Why would you want to scroll all the way down to find your latest bookmark? Seriously... -
Nikita38454 last edited by
@an188 I support. It became very inconvenient!
Recently, the Opera has become very annoying in the simplest moments -
paceto84 last edited by
@nikita38454 Yes, I have hundreds of bookmarks and now I have to scroll to the bottom every time. Let there be an option for sorting and who wants to put the new ones above and the new ones below.
leonhardttobias last edited by leonhardttobias
Thats what Opera became.
Nothing happens when "power users" talk about problems in a forum like here.
Why do the opera-team think we write about problems in a forum - because we have too much time?
It is getting ridiculous, and not just because of this moderator called leocg (bro, do you ever give some helpful replies in this forum?)I am so annoyed of this browser. If i havent put that much time in opera to make it personal, i would be gone over a year ago.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@leonhardttobias There is no such thing as "power users" and if there was, Opera would take "non-power users" opinion into consideration too.
And yes, I have been giving helpful replies since the last century.
leonhardttobias last edited by
@leocg then you should stop answering questions like you could change anything, know anything or even understand anything about that all. if you arent employed at opera or some kind of developer, why do you know the users asked for that? how can you see there arent power-users? how can you answer "for" opera?
would be great to know that even one person, who really take questions and problems seriously and can have an impact and use them, is reading this forum. because this forum is full with helpful input, but it seems that no one cares.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@leonhardttobias This is a forum, anyone can reply as long as it doesn't violate any rules.
Power users may have been something back on the beginning of the internet, but now, in 2022, there is no such thing.
Having hundreds of tabs opened or thousands of bookmarks don't turn anyone into power users.I don't answer for Opera and such discussion, if bookmarks/speed dials should be added to the top or to the bottom is not exactly new
Baskerville84 last edited by
Is there any indication that this change will be reverted any time soon? Or maybe that an option will be added to sort bookmarks by "newly added"?