Speed Dial Wallpaper changed unexpectedly
FerdinandA last edited by
Hello everyone,
This weekend, while using opera, my Speed Dial's wallpaper swapped to a photo of someone I don't even recognise.
I checked my downloads afterwards and found it there, so it was both downloaded and set as a wallpaper without my input whatsoever.
I've never even changed my wallpaper from the default, and I've made no changes to my browser - nothing but generally browsing and setting bookmarks - in about a month or so.
Honestly, I have no idea what could have led to this on my end.
(not sure if relevant, but I'm using Opera 85.0.4341.75 on Windows 10 64-bit)Does anyone know what might have caused it? Please let me know, and thank you.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by sgunhouse
@ferdinanda You right-clicked on the image for some reason then accidentally hit Set as wallpaper instead of whatever you meant to hit?
FerdinandA last edited by
@sgunhouse Thanks for the reply, that's definetly possible, but I think it's unlikely as I'm absolutely possitive I've never seen the photo. Actually, I've never seen whoever is in the photo either.
I've also tried reverse-searching trough Google images, and didn't find a single match for it. So, I don't think that's likely to have happened. -