Android - Site opens in Chrome but not in Opera
chris10kt last edited by
Hello, I have trouble opening the following website in Opera mobile:
The exact same site opens normally in Chrome. I have tried disabling ad blocking, clearing cache etc. with no luck. Also, I want to mention that the site below:
opens up normally in Opera and I can log in to my account etc., but the problem occurs when I try the "search text" or "tlg canon" on the site.
I'm on Android 11, Opera 67.1.350863168
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@chris10kt Seems fine here, I guess. Anything I should be seeing there that I wouldn't on the regular page?
chris10kt last edited by chris10kt
@sgunhouse Not really. So you where able to open the site
?I still can't and it's really weird, as I was able to open it in the past. Do you have any idea what may be the problem?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@chris10kt That page opened fine here.
If you are using VPN or Data Savings, try disabling them. And if you aren't, try enabling. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@chris10kt The page I actually end up on is tested on both a Chromebook and now a tablet. No issues loading.
richardblessing last edited by
Was able to access the page up till this morning and then when I wanted to verify my mail kept saying authentication error this app doesn't support email and kept showing this

Authorization Error
Error 403: disallowed_useragent
You can’t sign in from this screen because this app doesn’t comply with Google’s secure browsers policy. If this app has a website, you can open a web browser and try signing in from there.You can let the app developer know that this app doesn’t comply with Google’s secure browsers policy.
Learn more
Request Details
The content in this section has been provided by the app developer. This content has not been reviewed or verified by Google.
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.
response_type: code
state: 14169360
access_type: online
scope: openid
HelpPrivacyTerms -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@richardblessing Disallowed useragent? In Settings there is one for useragent, mine is set to Desktop which means they will think I'm using a Linux desktop instead of an Android device. You might try that.
chris10kt last edited by
@sgunhouse Changed the user agent setting to desktop mode, but I still can't access the page.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@chris10kt Like one of your previous posts showed, the site seems to be blocking Opera.