Can't change UI language
Gabriel75 last edited by
I'm on debian 11 and I can't put opera in french.
I have modified the language settings but by checking the box display opera on this language The restart button does not appear and the language remains in English.
anyone have an idea ? -
JuanM27 last edited by
@gabriel75 Hello, after breaking my head a lot, I have managed to change the default language and put it in Spanish. I've done two things and I'm not sure which one has worked.
The first thing I did was install an old version of Opera opera-stable_79.0.4143.72_amd64 and then install libudev0 which was showing up as an unsatisfied dependency. There I was able to put it in Spanish and then I went to the Muon package manager (I imagine that synaptic can work as well) and update Opera to its latest version.
I hope you understand I do not speak English -
Gabriel75 last edited by
Thank you for your quick and clear answer.
I installed the dependency with sudo apt install libudev0 but it doesn't seem to have any effect after reboot. As for reinstalling an old version of opera, gnome software and synaptic do not allow to install an "obsolete" version. It seems that this problem extends to other distributions, indeed I tried on Manjaro but the problem is the same -
JuanM27 last edited by
I have achieved it by installing opera-stable_79.0.4143.72_amd64 that I had already downloaded to the hard drive for some time and then updating to the latest version. I do not know if there is a reliable page where you can download those older versions, I will have to investigate.
It's a shame because if you don't have it in your language it is quite cumbersome and you usually have to use another browser. -
fonm last edited by
opera --lang=fr opera --lang=es
JuanM27 last edited by
This afternoon Opera has been updated to Version: 80.0.4170.63, perhaps in this new version those problems have been solved. Luck.
gscampos last edited by
@fonm Hi!
Thank you for this tip. It was a great help. In my case I needed a Spanish translation.
My installation was done by snap and I simply edited the access shortcut like this:env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/opera_opera.desktop /snap/bin/opera --lang=es %U
Note: Sorry if the message is not well written. English is not my native language and I used the google translator.
alexsanderg last edited by
I installed opera on my linux mint 20 and I can't change the interface language to "Portugues Brasil". I added the language and set it to work in "Portugues Brasil", restarted, but nothing happens. Could you help me please?
gscampos last edited by
@alexsanderg said in Can't change UI language:
Hello alexsanderg,
To configure for Portuguese, just edit the link in the menu and use this command:opera --lang=pt %U
Uso Opera em Espanhol e Português e sempre tenho que fazer estas trocas. Um abraço.