Can't change UI language
JuanM27 last edited by
I have achieved it by installing opera-stable_79.0.4143.72_amd64 that I had already downloaded to the hard drive for some time and then updating to the latest version. I do not know if there is a reliable page where you can download those older versions, I will have to investigate.
It's a shame because if you don't have it in your language it is quite cumbersome and you usually have to use another browser. -
fonm last edited by
opera --lang=fr opera --lang=es
JuanM27 last edited by
This afternoon Opera has been updated to Version: 80.0.4170.63, perhaps in this new version those problems have been solved. Luck.
gscampos last edited by
@fonm Hi!
Thank you for this tip. It was a great help. In my case I needed a Spanish translation.
My installation was done by snap and I simply edited the access shortcut like this:env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/opera_opera.desktop /snap/bin/opera --lang=es %U
Note: Sorry if the message is not well written. English is not my native language and I used the google translator.
alexsanderg last edited by
I installed opera on my linux mint 20 and I can't change the interface language to "Portugues Brasil". I added the language and set it to work in "Portugues Brasil", restarted, but nothing happens. Could you help me please?
gscampos last edited by
@alexsanderg said in Can't change UI language:
Hello alexsanderg,
To configure for Portuguese, just edit the link in the menu and use this command:opera --lang=pt %U
Uso Opera em Espanhol e Português e sempre tenho que fazer estas trocas. Um abraço.