Did youtube just cancel out Opera's downloader?
A Former User last edited by
This morning I found no green-arrow icon to download youtube videos. Anyone know what happened?
A Former User last edited by
@leocg I suspect he is referring to an extension that is called savefrom.net helper the green download button is indeed no longer working.but that is the extension as you mentioned and not opera i think. just a FYI
A Former User last edited by
@ceedee thank you for responding. So savenet worked in 2 ways, then? sometimes the green arrow icon (just below the video) brought a drop down, to select several choices of file types to save as, and other times brought you to the savenet website, to download from there? it was all the same facility? ...not that it matters much now, since it's all gone away.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg yes, thank you. don't know why I thought the downloader was provided by Opera... regardless, I believe the addon came with the latest version, when I updated a few years ago. I found an excellent vid d/L-er that works great... just tested it and will be using that from now on. .mp4 is clear as a bell!
robertopanetto last edited by
Usually to download I could click on green download strip located under a video. Now I cannot see any longer. How can I get it back? Thanks
A Former User last edited by
@leocg ya, probly right... the old memory aint what it used to be. thnx buddy. stay safe
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@robertopanetto Not an Opera feature, some extension provided that. You need to ask the extension's author.
robertopanetto last edited by sgunhouse
a few days ago I had the download button appearing under the window playing the video. Now no more.
It must be a Opera feature as I have been using it long time.
Now to download I have to copy URL and click on SaveFrom.net icon. It is a longer way... -
A Former User last edited by
@richaber I would not advise publishing email addresses although in this case it doesn't work.
A Former User last edited by
@ceedee of course it doesn't work... unless you type .com after yahoo -- i figured you would add that yourself. Someone else's post above mentions another download site. dunno if that site works but i'll try it if the stand-alone i found stops working... which it might, since it does say "not activated" every time i use it. A bit slow as well; took 2 minutes to d/L a 30 min. video.
A Former User last edited by
@robertopanetto just went to savefrom dot net and found the termination notice:
Subject: Discontinuation of Service in the United States
April 16, 2020
Dear Savefrom User:
As you may have heard, our industry has been under strenuous attacks by certain US copyright holders. Because of these attacks, it has become financially impractical for Savefrom to continue to provide services in the United States.
Accordingly, Savefrom will be terminating its services in the United States as of April 28, 2020.
We thank you for your past loyalty and patronage and wish you health and safety during the present health crisis and beyond.
Very truly yours,
Savefrom -
A Former User last edited by
@ceedee Cough Splutter Cough
Video Downloader Multiformat
to anyone looking for a replacement for savefrom.net -