Is Opera Mail supported still?
lavanyadeepak 0 last edited by
I remember there used to an Email client called Opera Mail. I do see its description in Wikipedia as active but last release was around six years ago.
Is this still supported?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@lavanyadeepak-0 As already said, it stopped being developed almost a decade ago.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
It's no longer supported.
Vivaldi has an experimental mail client that's meant to replace Opera Mail. It can even import from Opera Mail. To test it out, in Vivaldi, goto the URL
, enable it, and restart Vivaldi.It's still in the early stages though, but it works decently. You can goto to make feature requests and for support.
The latest snapshot of Vivaldi might have more fixes for mail in it than stable.
Just be warned that it's all experimental at the moment. While it's been pretty stable in testing, make sure you have backups of your messages etc. just in case.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@darrenchan Opera Mail still runs, at least on Windows, but is not compatible with updated security for many mail providers. It's been 6 years since the last update.