Error message concerning opera_elf.dll when opening Opera
raphaelber last edited by
I'm using a laptop with Windows 10.
I don't remember I installed Opera myself on my computer, but still I have it.
And I have a problem using it.
When I click on the Opera logo to open Opera, I get an error message.
The error message concerns opera_elf.dll.The message is in French, but if I translate it to English, it should be something like this: opera_elf.dll is not conceived to be executed under Windows or it contains an error. Reinstall the program or contact the system administrator. Error code: 0xc000012f.
I don't know what to do.
Could you help me fix the problem ?
Thank you.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@raphaelber You'll need to reinstall or update Opera to fix that.
raphaelber last edited by
@sgunhouse Thanks for your answer. I tried once ot uninstall Opera, but it didn't work.
Can I reinstall or update Opera without first uninstalling it ?
Thank you. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@raphaelber You can only reinstall a program without uninstalling it. Try using the offline installer.