"Opera forums" page layout is misleading
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Present Opera forums page's part Opera for Computers is misleading.
leocg, one of Opera forums moderators, has moved my "newest unknown bug report" (AliExpress UFO) from Opera for Linux to Opera for Computers, so I have problem with finding it. Opera for Computers is part of main blog's menu, but behaves as sub menu of itself.
[Fig. 1] More logical layout.
BTW Minimizing sub menu names creates condition for placing all names in one row.
The change is sensible as many remarks from op sys sub menu items are repeating and covering the same issues belonging to the broadest scope - issues concerning all computers, or...
someone should remove all threads from Opera for Computers when you wanna keep the present layout.
A Former User last edited by
@sgunhouse You lie, simply speaking, so do not explain me obvious issues. The items Linux, Mac, Windows etc are submenus of Opera for Computers logically only, because you or someone else created the silly part of Opera forums layout. Those items Linux, Mac, Windows etc are not embedded physically within body of Opera for Computers. They are independent. Do you have problems with logic, class and/or tree structures?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@pavelopdev Yes, Opera for Windows, Opera for Mac, Opera for Linux, Future Releases and Suggestions and Feature Requests are sub-categories of Opera for Computers category. Or sub-menus of a main menu, how you call it is irrelevant.
And if you knew in which section of the forum your post was moved to, how it could be difficult to find?
By the way, to find your post you can just go to your profile page clicking on the badge at the top right.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg said in "Opera forums" page layout is misleading:
@pavelopdev Yes, Opera for Windows, Opera for Mac, Opera for Linux, Future Releases and Suggestions and Feature Requests are sub-categories of Opera for Computers category. Or sub-menus of a main menu, how you call it is irrelevant.
It seems you stepped in what's called routine thinking (recurrent, all the same) trap. I do prefer my own way of thinking too. Our both worlds of understanding logic are in XOR relations. Let it be. I'm not going into bickering for who's Vision of Things (VoT) is more genuine.
And if you knew in which section of the forum your post was moved to, how it could be difficult to find?
Good point, but..., how come Opera for Mobile has clear logical layout?
By the way, to find your post you can just go to your profile page clicking on the badge at the top right.
Thank you. I overlooked that option. It happens.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg I did it wrong, as far as my describing/explaining abilities are concerned.
In short:
-> enter Opera for Computers and what you see?
-> now enter:
Opera for Mobile, Opera Services, General topics, Local forums, Archives AND what you see now?Don't you understand, or you do not want to understand that Opera for Computers contains threads, like all its subdirectories? Contrary to all the contents of all other items in that page? I pointed to layout because I illustrated what should be changed in order to keep the logical consistency of all forums. There are certain well defined rules which you should follow creating or developing HTML pages.
Opera for Computers needs to be a stand alone container for threads concerning all PC rigs or systems (exactly like O. for Mac, O. for Linux etc), and presents its informative frame on Opera forum page leading to clearly distinguished subdirectories as it was done with all other items on Opera forum main page. Unless you cherish more - a higgledy-piggledy
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@pavelopdev Yes, Opera for Computers has topics under it, what would be the problem? Absolutely nothing.
And there is some logic in Opera for Computers to have topics under it. Opera for Computers (or Opera for Desktops) is just one product released for the three main desktop Operating System, developer by the same team and there can be issues and questions common to all OSs.
In Opera for Mobile, that's not the case. There are, for example, three different products released for Android, developed by different teams. So there isn't a good reason for Opera for Mobile to have topics under it.
And in years, decades of this forum, Opera for computers having topics under it was never a problem.
maryremi last edited by
It's not so hard to understand. Categories are like folders. Folders can contain both files and subfolders; likewise categories contain both threads (like this one) and subcategories.