The topic for things that were answered/discussed lots of times already
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@gold-experience-requiem Flash stopped being supported by majority of browsers and also from its own maker about an year ago.
chrisisbd last edited by
I'm a new user (of Opera) so I may be missing the obvious.
However, I can't see any way to change the search box on the start page. It can be turned on and off in the Advanced settings but it seems that only Google is possible.
I have changed my default search engine (to DuckDuckGo) but this doesn't seem t affect the start page box.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@chrisisbd It's not possible to change start page/speed dial search.
Seraph2 last edited by
Hi if I try to open Opera I get no response its just gone
completely dead I double click on the shortcut and I tried
to double click on the exe and nothing happens its just dead
so I thought I probably just need to reinstall it but I can't
open it to backup my bookmarks is there a manual way to back
up my bookmarks without having to open Opera pleeezz I
don't want to lose those, thanks in advance. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@seraph2 See
rh99 last edited by leocg says the VPN is in Singapore. The search engine says Sweden. Why the discrepancy?
And why does Opera give you options for different areas but they all are actually from Sweden?
Seraph2 last edited by
Hi @leocg it turned out that what was actually causing the
problem was a virus which caused Opera to crash but I cleared
the virus with anti virus software and I followed the instructions from the link that you gave me and everything is back up and
running again and I got all my bookmarks back thank goodness,
anyway thanks again for the help. -
Rob-B last edited by
Is it possible to import-copy bookmarks from synced speed dials. All my speed dial book marks have gone though I have them listed in the bookmarks page for when they were last synced. Do I have to add them back one by one?
Corystes last edited by
Complex hardware failure meant new pc. Have a backup of essential files, but how can I find the ones that will give me my old Opera settings, favourites etc?
Nomad181 last edited by leocg
Why can I not make My chosen new search engine a default. You just give me lousy popular site search, search engines as default choices when I have a superior one that I added which actually finds things I am looking for, not just what is acceptable for the brainwashed sheeple. Back in the 1990's we could actually find something. Why can't you offer something like that and not these programming mind numbing ignorant choices???????
Thanks -
Tarantino14 last edited by
I'm Over them hijacking my browser and updating without my consent. I spend time I don't have trying to fix whatever setting they change Every Single Time . I have very specific setups for work and I have to spend the whole day fix it, so nothing gets done. I Do Not want it updated. So the location for the files are going into the DNS deny table. It can't update if it can't see the files.
Anyone know the domain name of the update server or download location? I tried but it didn't stop the update check. Thanks.
Tarantino14 last edited by Tarantino14
@leocg Not asking how to change a file name. It's bunk and is not guaranteed to work or seems to respawn. Please read my request fully, you didn't answer my question.
I'm asking for the server name that serves up the files.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@tarantino14 You needed a way to stop auto-update, I replied with one. And yes, it works.