Donloading Files: Dialog Box "Open, Save, Save As, Cancel"
jirka-k last edited by Oct 31, 2014, 8:15 AM
Hello all,
the Opera dev's comment that @hr-hristov posted here actually made me register in the forum and also share my opinion. I also find the new way Opera downloads/saves files really annoying. I can't see why it should be such a pain for the developers to add a file dialog as in Opera up to v12. The argument about enormous amounts of storage space available is not valid at all, because here doesn't matter storage space, but rather usability. Many times I just find a file I want to open directly and I don't care at all to which location on my hard drive it downloads (so the temporary folder is perfectly OK for me) - usually this file is some document I want to read once and then forget about it, so there's no reason to download it to some specific folder where it would only make mess. And when I have to choose the download folder, it is time consuming and doesn't have any advantage.
So, please, Opera developers, do something about it (and many many other features which make Opera >12 hardly usable). I can understand that reimplementing the old features is time consuming since the old versions were very feature-rich (which is, I think, the reason why many people prefered Opera to the other browsers), but I can't understand a decision (if I got it well) to not implement it at all. This attitude just sounds like "we know better than you what's good for you", which would be really worth reconsidering, to say the least. I would even pay some reasonable price for the new versions of Opera if it got to the original state as it used to be (with the same UI and features but with different engine) because I loved the old one and the new versions are pretty unusable for me and as you can see, I'm not the only one at all.
A Former User last edited by Dec 3, 2014, 5:09 PM
It is sometimes a disaster for me to use Opera to visit advertisement sites. On those sites, Opera grabs everything they throw at it (virus, spyware, junk...) , no chance for me to reject download.
Please add options Save/Download/Cancel for download popup !!
hunfatal last edited by Jan 3, 2015, 10:30 PM
This is the only reason I don't use the new Opera now and I still stayed with firefox. The way downloads are working is really annoying, I don't want the browser to make garbage files in my downloads dir, because I opened a doc, pdf or any other temporary documents / files. Actually that's why I hate Chrome too and since Opera 12 is almost unusuable these days I had to switch to Firefox.
operanotsogood last edited by Apr 17, 2015, 5:09 AM
Ive created an account for the sole purpose of bitching about this shortcoming!
Ive just spent 2 f@#$%king hours stuffing about trying to find out how to fix this problem.
Only to find that there is just no fix. This lack of function is a complete balls-up in my opinion.
It is so time wasting to have to save files and then go to the folder and then open the file.
Many links to files (eg links to Google Earth KMZ files) are only ever opened once, but I may, during research, need to open 10 to 50 of these links!
Ive come from mozilla (Pale Moon) to help with some mozilla specific bugs, only to find that Opera is yet another Cut-down, limited function Browser.
Will the Developers please show a little respect for the professional end-user and PLEASE FIX THIS.
This is a MUST HAVE option for researchers. I wish some developer would make a decent, full function browser, Id bpay to have it and the support. -
A Former User last edited by Apr 17, 2015, 11:36 PM
Is the Opera only browser that dont have this feature? Ive used lots of browsers but Opera is the only one who dont have download dialog...
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Apr 18, 2015, 1:28 AM
Is the Opera only browser that dont have this feature? Ive used lots of browsers but Opera is the only one who dont have download dialog...
Opera is always on the vanguard.
A Former User last edited by Apr 18, 2015, 3:31 AM
Is the Opera only browser that dont have this feature? Ive used lots of browsers but Opera is the only one who dont have download dialog...
Opera is always on the vanguard.
You mean WAS vanguard.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Apr 18, 2015, 4:17 AM
You mean WAS vanguard.
Nope, i mean "is" even.
nekomajin last edited by Apr 19, 2015, 10:18 AM
You mean WAS vanguard.
Nope, i mean "is" even.
I would not say a lack of a feature is vanguard...
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Apr 19, 2015, 10:36 PM
I would not say a lack of a feature is vanguard...
Well, someone needs to be the first to do the change.
A Former User last edited by Apr 20, 2015, 4:02 AM
Well, someone needs to be the first to do the change.
And why exactly do we need change like that?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Apr 20, 2015, 5:07 AM
And why exactly do we need change like that?
Why not? Files will be downloade anyway, at least we will know where they are.
A Former User last edited by Apr 20, 2015, 5:58 PM
I would not say a lack of a feature is vanguard...
Well, someone needs to be the first to do the change.
And why exactly do we need change like that?
Why not? Files will be downloade anyway, at least we will know where they are.
Lack of arguments hm? At least answer the proper question...
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Apr 20, 2015, 8:41 PM
Lack of arguments hm? At least answer the proper question..
I think this is exactly what I've done.
A Former User last edited by Apr 21, 2015, 1:34 AM
Lack of arguments hm? At least answer the proper question..
I think this is exactly what I've done.
Really? And where is your answer?
umfuzgfsbdiwmda last edited by Apr 21, 2015, 1:39 AM
This postΒ΄s objective is to provide arguments for this suggestion and show how many people is interested in this.
I have realised that there is people who likes this setting as it is at the moment. Therefore, I suggest that Opera Developers could make this feature posible but as an optional feature, thus, who wants to keep this setting doesn't need to do anything and the people who is asking for this setting can change it.
I know that this is not so easy as I described. In this case, I'd like to ask for a reason to not have this feature available.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Apr 21, 2015, 1:52 AM
Really? And where is your answer?
Files will be downloade anyway, at least we will know where they are.
You know, before an opened file could be on a unknow temp folder depending on the settings and stay there for months. Now you will know where the files is.
bluejeans last edited by Apr 21, 2015, 11:15 AM
Yes please, give us a dialog "Save to temp/Open/Save As/Cancel" as it used to be when Opera was Opera. It's so annoying to LOSE functionality you're used to!