Dark Mode
Yemeles last edited by
I enable extension " Allow access to search page results" but it still doesn't work when i search on google. Any idea ?
A Former User last edited by
@yemeles: Click on the Opera logo in the Top-Left corner > Extension > Manage Extension > Mark "Allow access to search page result".
A Former User last edited by
Is it possible to add a shortcut when you right-click the Dark Mode icon to "add this domain to the ignore list" ? It will be so easier to add stuff.
A Former User last edited by
Хорошо работает, не работает на системных и поисковых сервисов как например google yandex
amunoto last edited by
- Thanks!
- Doesn't work on this opera-addons-site! (https://addons.opera.com/de/extensions/details/dark-mode/)
- thx forthe hint in teh answer to yemeles; it should be displayed upon installation, I find!
- perhaps <li> is not covered?
- some img-treatment would be neat
Kind regards, Hauke
- Thanks!
Tomtastix last edited by
klappt nicht mit google...WTF schau immernoch in einen Autoscheinwerfer
Works not with google, ....still got eyecancer by staring into the frontlight of a car WTF -
A Former User last edited by
@artakey: Там для тебя ниже написали: кликни на значке опера в левом верхнем углу (меню) расширения->расширения->разрешить доступ к результатам поиска
A Former User last edited by
the option of disabling the dark mode for selected websites and the ability to create your own mods for specific websites would be useful
CS7 last edited by
This extension sometimes doesn't work. Some websites like Google sometimes don't show up in dark mode with this addon turned on...