Change Search Engine in Speed dial.
A Former User last edited by
Does anyone know how to change the search engine in speed dial? Its default is Google I want to change this. There is a setting to change the search engine in URL but don't see an option for changing the search engine in speed dial. Is there a way of doing this?
A Former User last edited by
@leocg I was only asking I didn't know!! I looked at other threads which didn't look to give an answer and looked to be from several years back the ones I saw.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Now we both know that that is a crock of pig fat if Vivaldi can do it so can Opera what you really should be telling people on here is that the Opera dev team are just to lazy to implement it and more people who want this should be complaining to the Devs and asking for it to happen as it's really nothing to do with using Chromium it's just lazy devs
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@athlonite Opera appears to have a deal with Google to be the only search engine allowed there.
A Former User last edited by
@burnout426 yeah that's why I'm now going to get rid of Opera and install Vivaldi as they'll let me do it I don't like google never have and I prefer a search engine that does keep a record of everything I look up
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Sort of ... if you were in Russia then Yandex would be the only choice there.. We've had some Ukrainian users who didn't want Yandex there, and I've told them that if they edit their location to say "US" instead they'd change to Google - so naturally the reverse must hold as well. If you really want the Russians to see your searches rather than Google.
A Former User last edited by
Instead of been abrupt and saying "As already said several times, you can't change it." Could just say we done a deal with Google.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@sgunhouse but I don't wish to use either Yandex or Google I'd like to use a search provider who doesn't feel the need to keep a record of everywhere I go and everything I search for like DuckDuckGo
A Former User last edited by
That's exactly what I wanted to change it to! DuckDuckGo. Looks like a deal was done so you can't change it! Due to as mentioned above you can change it in Vivaldi. You make your own conclusions! What has happened here!
A Former User last edited by
At least I found out how to eliminate the spyware box from Speed Dial entirely. Would have been nice to change it though.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg then if you don't know why did you write a faq about it
leocg MODERATOR Dec 1, 2018, 2:48 PM
How to change the search engine in start pageYou can't change it but you can hide it in settings.
shouldn't you as a moderator on Opera's forums know this sort of thing for a fact
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@athlonite And no, I shouldn't. Moderators in forums are usually regular users with some power that help keeping the forum running organized, they don't need to know everything that runs in the company, when the forum is about one or about a product made by one.