omi-kun zuletzt editiert von
@sailormax bro your extension . doen't stand out . with modern standards ..
KatMSheDevil zuletzt editiert von
Hey so I have dyslexia and I often use translator tools to just read aloud large blocks of text sent to me. However this app has been acting up lately. I'll insert something as small as a few sentences and when I hit translate it only gets through the first sentence before stopping. I'm wondering if I'm missing a setting or something but this issue is really starting to irritate me. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
thelittlebrowserthatcould zuletzt editiert von
I'm using 85.0.4341.10.
I had been translating Polish to English; then I wanted to translate a Latin motto to English. Selecting Auto detect to English, the options change to Auto detect (English) to Polish when Translate is clicked, and I have to manually select Latin as the source. After successfully translating, reverting to Auto detect again automatically changes the destination language choice from English to Polish. -
sailormax zuletzt editiert von
@thelittlebrowserthatcould Here is why:
- Translator trying to translate "Auto detect to English"
- Translator got result of detection source language as "English" (remote service return this result)
- Translator got "English to English". Because this is "impossible", it change target language to your native -> "English to Polish"
- Translator trying to use new language pair
In most cases this behavior help improve convenience, but you case is exception... Currently I don't know what I can to change here.
sailormax zuletzt editiert von
@katmshedevil Can you share the sample? And which translate service do you use?
thank you.
TheOneSuicide56 zuletzt editiert von
I love this App, but I always get the following error when I try to use the DeepL translator:
error (1042902): Too many requests
Could you tell me why this happens? -
sailormax zuletzt editiert von
@theonesuicide56 Possible problem in your IP, if it is not unique. Currently I use free access to this service, but it has strong restricts.
Ein ehemaliger Benutzer zuletzt editiert von
Ich finde keine der beschriebenen Möglichkeiten um die aktuell angezeigte Website zu übersetzen.
sailormax zuletzt editiert von
@zahadum1984 Bitte geben Sie ein Beispiel mit Details an, damit ich es wiederholen kann.