@yoday bro same I am also frustrated by this thing. Hoping that u have got the solution, if yes, tell me. BTW, I deleted my dark reader for it to solve. But I need it back.

Best posts made by omi-kun
RE: Disable extensions for sidebar applications.Opera for Windows
google lens chrome://flagsOpera add-ons
as i want to use google lenz in my opera windows but , if i enable the flag which is provided by chrome://flags , it doeasnt work , i mean if I have pressed right click then it should give me a option of google lenz but as i said it dosen't if dev fixed it will be very greatfull so do fast , for now tell me a good opiton like a extension if exist or anyhow
RE: YouTube/Google is also Tracking Incognito in Opera!Opera for computers
@opstellar use, as u want , VPN & block-tracker ,, option are just useful in handy stuation's still they are not waste . vpn is proxy . but what if the person don't need encryptions . like i have .i use proxy instead of vpn . even public proxy . for data poisoning,
data poisoning is way to make your data little wacky . so then no one can easily find what you did .so , then the unencrypted proxy (vpn ) is can be useful too
- Suggestions and feature requests
RE: [Solved]downloads button hiddenOpera GX
@graw19 bro delete the extension which u have installed I mean delete the extension for downloads. That exactly happen to me too. . If you are reading this, reply me pls because I need help too.
RE: Disable extensions for sidebar applications.Opera for Windows
@yoday brother i know what are u saying . . the real solution which i do is delet the whole extesnsion and look for other one
- Suggestions and feature requests
RE: google translate extension doesn't show language optionsOpera GX
@burnout426 i have figured out the thing . After the standalone installation it worked . . So , I think something is wrong with my own browser . After all, I am going to make it from fresh . So i just want to know how much thing i can backup . I mean, how much can I carry with me . and how to
- Opera for computers
RE: Disable extensions for sidebar applications.Opera for Windows
@yoday ya its worked . and i am also using opera gx so , try to find more replace of dark reader . coz there is some chache issues with dark reader i guess
Latest posts made by omi-kun
- Opera for Mac
RE: Install Chrome ExtensionsOpera add-ons
@dawidkowal u have to dig in your profile . go to chrome://about/
then fidn your profile location . in profile find your extension's
then update the opera profile with it . i mean replace some files. onlyopera profile
then profile -
RE: YouTube/Google is also Tracking Incognito in Opera!Opera for computers
@opstellar use, as u want , VPN & block-tracker ,, option are just useful in handy stuation's still they are not waste . vpn is proxy . but what if the person don't need encryptions . like i have .i use proxy instead of vpn . even public proxy . for data poisoning,
data poisoning is way to make your data little wacky . so then no one can easily find what you did .so , then the unencrypted proxy (vpn ) is can be useful too
RE: opera gx constantly opens and closesOpera GX
@emre1254 oh no . kind of rare issue . try to recover it .
i mean reinstall . or get find the thing causing problemas i said its quite rare . so i can't help u more on this
thx - Opera GX
RE: YouTube/Google is also Tracking Incognito in Opera!Opera for computers
@kure sir, u may chek this out . how bad is incognite mode is handling things.
RE: All pinned tabs and extensions disappeared after updateOpera for Mac
@sleeplessindc we ,can't do anything . it happend always . when there is update or little crash
RE: YouTube/Google is also Tracking Incognito in Opera!Opera for computers
@kure thx man , i am giving opera team a mail . about this . coz its the need . incognito mode should be hardened more ..
i will also name your credit . there
- Opera add-ons
- Opera add-ons