V7 Sessions
mmwlada1 last edited by 3 Feb 2021, 13:24
Awesome extension. I wish it could sync with Opera on another PC
mousebyte last edited by 26 Mar 2021, 20:28
Gave this extension a try, and I love the features, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to cooperate well with Workspaces. Clicking a tab in the list that's in a different workspace causes it to glitch out a bit. Would also be nice if it had an option to automatically move tabs to a certain group based on what workspace they're in.
dimoks last edited by 31 Mar 2021, 10:29
Is it possible to save the position and size of the browser window into a session?
zapad3000 last edited by 15 Jun 2021, 20:12
V7 Sessions disappeared from side panel. Tried to reinstall - did not help. It is not visible in V7 Extension Manager but it is in Opera Extension and when I turn off V7 Session there and turn on again it appeared in Side Panel but for this page only. When I close page, there is nothing on other pages. What to do? Where dig?
angel-kpra last edited by 9 Jul 2021, 07:40
К сожалению не различает какие вкладки были в каких отдельных пространствах. После восстановления, все вкладки открываются в одном пространстве, а не в соответствующих до этого.
LucasMitter last edited by 18 Jul 2021, 00:56
Pretty useful extension, but it can has more options on editing and customizing sessions already saved settions
mrsomewhere last edited by 8 Aug 2021, 20:01
@zapad3000 said in V7 Sessions:
V7 Sessions disappeared from side panel. Tried to reinstall - did not help. It is not visible in V7 Extension Manager but it is in Opera Extension and when I turn off V7 Session there and turn on again it appeared in Side Panel but for this page only. When I close page, there is nothing on other pages. What to do? Where dig?
I had to uninstall and reinstall Opera yesterday, and now I'm having the same problem. Does anyone know a solution?
igrblkv last edited by 13 Aug 2021, 22:50
Пропадает с боковой панели.
Переустановка ничего не дала - только очистила список ранее сохранённого добра.
Снёс к херам... Пора и Оперу сносить уже - чем дальше, тем хуже браузер становится, задолбали уродские обновления, которые только всё портят!.. -
nadie-nada-nunca last edited by 14 Aug 2021, 12:44
I'm having almost the same problem zapad3000 reported. The V7 Sessions icon disappears from my side panel -- the V7 Extensions one is still there, though, and if I disable and reenable the extension, the icon appears again. But as soon as I switch to V7 Bookmarks (by pressing F4 in my case), the V7 Sessions icon disappears again.
It's more a nuisance than a serious bug, but if you can fix it, it would be nice. If it's an Opera bug instead, I'll report it to the devs.
nadie-nada-nunca last edited by 14 Aug 2021, 12:48
@nadie-nada-nunca: It's even weirder than I described. Now I was browsing an aready open page, with the V7 Sessions sidebar open, and it just disappeared on its own, sidebar and icon alike. I can still reenable it, but I thought I'd report this behaviour as well.
alouz last edited by leocg 14 Aug 2021, 16:31 14 Aug 2021, 15:22
I'm having exactly the same problem with V7. It's due to some recent Opera update. I have reinstalled Opera completely but it's there. Anybody found a solution to this Really annoying issue?
Genrich last edited by 15 Aug 2021, 13:40
I also had the V7 Sessions extension disappeared from the sidebar after updating the Opera browser. It is in the extension settings, it is activated but it is impossible to use it.
Jimbobeamster last edited by 16 Aug 2021, 03:38
The disappearance happened to me too. It's activated in everything except the sidebar. Don't know if Opera fixes this or the extension's dev. I just hope somebody does.
mschmidtbr 0 last edited by 18 Aug 2021, 05:08
The V7 Sessions icon disappears from my side panel...
Just4Fun last edited by 18 Aug 2021, 15:09
For anyone with their Icon disappearing after the update,
just disable the enable v7 sessions.
Don't Remove it. -
nadie-nada-nunca last edited by 18 Aug 2021, 22:27
@just4fun ... well, yes, but then it disappears again after a few seconds. At least in my machine.
Genrich last edited by 19 Aug 2021, 02:01
Наверное, разработчик забросил свой проект и здесь уже не появляется. Очень жаль, придется переходить на что-то другое.
pekkar last edited by 19 Aug 2021, 11:05
@nadie-nada-nunca: Now disable and enable must be done every time you need to open sessions.
pekkar last edited by 19 Aug 2021, 11:16
@genrich: That’s true. Most likely, the developer abandoned his project and no longer appears here. It's unfortunate, the addon works great and isn't happy to switch to another - if they even exist.
Genrich last edited by 19 Aug 2021, 12:53
@pekkar: Я установил дополнительно TabHamster. Он не такой удобный, но зато надежный и работает, хоть какая-то замена. Надеюсь, что это временно.