Bad scrolling
boti99 last edited by
Google's News app has this issue as well. This proves your theory so the Chrome browser engine causes the problem.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
pseudo codeif then else
or case ??
This is Samsung it's way to say it's time to buy a new Galaxy for 750 Euro.
I won´t do that
btw i installed the Samsung browser on my huawei Honor
THAT produce stuttering too, i can tell you. Someone on google playstore comment this too and Samsung reaction was.
Other device manufacturer doesn´t have that technology to deliver the Samsung experience. I can´t believe they really put such a reaction online.But opera shouldn´t be like this cause it´s chinese too.
Hope firefox for android will get a better GUI + more fluid reaction behaviour . It´s just a mess on android. -
A Former User last edited by
My Samsung Galaxy S3 from 2012 spare phone with Lineage OS Nougat works fluently in scrolling. Only because of its 700 megabyte memory I can open 3 websites only simultaneously. But hey it's faster than my 4000 Megabytes memory Samsung Galaxy S8.
I tried scrolling with Samsung Browser in pop-up over tiny window over Opera. In developer options of my phone I enabled GPU profiler, and Webview seems detached from directly getting touch screen input and works very well like Opera mini is smooth.
Samsung browser has a detached from touchscreen directly like GPU profile too.
Communicating touchscreen events directly to Opera or Chrome main thread that is also the viewport seems to be culprit here.
I suggest Opera developers to try a simple overlay window that passes touch events forward to the web viewport in NDK since directly communicating with NDK is problematic. Not only for Opera but for Yandex, Chrome, Brave browsers...
Opera could do this as Opera Dev version e.g.
I turned almost into Steve Jobs. Steve was known for forcing the development team to look for another better way.
A Former User last edited by
@boti99 Message pump overflow from touchscreen events. @miyukiwork maybe you can forward this to your team deciding what is important.
Stutter is observed in such a stable way, that it seems touch events overflow the message que. When this happens, touch events are dropped. Then browser viewport stops responding a short time, perhaps 100 millisecond. Then the touch events message que is ready to be filled with new touch events, and it happens again. As in native development kit Opera seems to not be able to filter out unimportant messages fed from the touch screen. Like it's not necessary to process for example duplicate touch events. This is not happening at all devices.
At least it's such a stable stuttering and so depending on touch events, ask your team for studying how many events a touchscreen can send in so little time. It's rather Opera now wants to process all events but that is unadvisable.
A millisecond pause for example in processing the message pump from touchscreen events can prevent this flood.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
thank you for your support at this point.
I appreciate all your input in this issue.
Hope we really whip the Llama's A..
I still prefer the opera for android GUI.P.S.:
My last iOS device was an iphone 4s with iOS 8 and 9.
What i really dislike is: Safari does not support kinetic scrolling. at least till iOS 9.3.5
Does anyone know if this issue is still in current iOS versions? -
A Former User last edited by
yes same problem here. i already wrote an email to opera support, no response.
my Solution:
Uninstall Version 46 and newer (what you get right now from google playstore is v. 48.x) and go back to Version 45!
Where do you get official opera Final apks? scrolling websites while your finger is on the screen is as -smooth- as only kinetic scrolling is right now in opera for android browsers...
... and like it is on the homescreen. 60 fps - i likealternative try Samsung internet browser.
technical info:
i think its a problem that is called Enable resampling scroll eventsOpera for android, google chrome and Samsung internet browser are using chromium as engine...
Hope they will fix this annoying bug and bring back project butter on our surf-tablets and smartphones.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
My Samsung S5e tablet and Galaxy S8 both are unusable with Opera, Chrome, Edge, Yandex.
I am forced to use Samsung browser. When I got the 2019 Samsung S5e tablet everything worked great. However I am in vendor lock in to use Samsung browser now.
It's legal to force people to use Samsung browser since Samsung is not a monopoly.
Don't like it. Opera version you mentioned is the latest chromium based build that works smoothly.
Opera should open their eyes, Samsung is forcing to use Samsung browser.
It's not Opera it's the Samsung firmware. Opera has no chance against a bigger Samsung anyway.
Yes artificially slowed stuttering browsers unless it's Samsung browser at a Samsung device.
I think Opera does care but simply it's a matter of hear no monopoly, see no monopoly, ...
Here is a open letter at XDA developers about Samsung and monopoly at Samsung devices
A Former User last edited by A Former User
cant believe it - nearly 2 years later.
i installed opera beta for android Opera beta_60.0.2955.54227
on my Samsung t580 tablet
via play storeand no judder while finger scrolling anymore
Thanks a lot to the developter
A Former User last edited by
Would you try the new opera beta v. 60 on your devices too?
A Former User last edited by
i test the opera final version 59.1.2926.54067
on my huawei 6x
seems fine too
A Former User last edited by
@samstabauser indeed after 2 years Opera finally found out where in the gigantic open source chromium code, fluent scrolling can be enabled. Tab s5e 2019 and galaxy S8 2017 working with smooth scrolling.
A Former User last edited by
Since 2021 opera browser is stuttering mess at galaxy devices of samsung. I suggest people to forget about Opera browser as a viable browser at samsung devices. The last time it took opera years to understand that samsung wants to get opera done away. Don't waste your time for opera again. Samsung doesn't allow Opera. Install samsung browser or Google browser. Forget about opera.
Spare your time, opera has no future except export of bookmark and import into samsung galaxy browser.
Don't waste your time at opera anymore.
Opera isn't allowed at smooth scrolling.
If you don't have a samsung you probably aren't affected.
Forget opera at samsung devices. Samsung doesn't want it.
A Former User last edited by
Managed to solve it. After every firmware update you have to do the following. Which most people won't understand.
Clear Opera App cache
Reboot into official Samsung recovery and wipe cache.
BootupMost people including me will give up before especially wiping cache from official Samsung recovery.
But I did wipe it. And everything is smooth for now. Opera seems to be the first app that will stutter but you'll have to clear Opera cache and wipe cache partition. At Samsung devices.
Remember not all people are understanding to go into recovery mode and wipe cache partition. It worked fine but I consider it luck.
Did you update Android webview?
Did you update Opera?
Did you update play services?If so first reboot and if it doesn't work wipe cache which most people won't understand.
At xda you can find how to wipe cache for a device and that is very difficult for average user.
For now opera is smooth again until webview and firmware updates and so on and on and on.